CFP: Literature and Medicine (journal)

full name / name of organization: 
james scott zimmerman
contact email: 


LITERATURE AND MEDICINE is a journal devoted to exploring interfaces between
literary and medical knowledge and understanding. Issues of illness,
health, medical science, violence, and the body are examined through
literary and cultural texts. Our readership includes scholars of
literature, history, and critical theory, as well as health professionals.

Literature and Medicine is published semiannually by the Johns Hopkins
University Press. The first issue of each year is a thematic issue, the
second a general one. The Fall 2001 issue, accessible through Project Muse
(see link below), is the first issue published by the new editors, Rita
Charon, M.D., Ph.D. of the Department
of General Medicine at Columbia University and Maura Spiegel, Ph.D. of
Columbia University, English and Comparative Literature Department.


The deadline for Fall 2002 General Issue is March 1st, 2002

Manuscripts of 4,000 to 7,000 words should be submitted in triplicate, with
text and notes typewritten and double-spaced, and prepared according to the
guidelines in The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition. Literature and
Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal. Authors' names should appear only on a
cover sheet and any identifiers in the text should be masked so that
manuscripts can be reviewed anonymously. Literature and Medicine reviews
only unpublished manuscripts that are not simultaneously under review for
publication elsewhere.

Address below


The deadline for Spring 2003 Special Issue (Infection and Contagion) is May
15, 2002

The Spring Special Issue of Literature and Medicine is devoted to the notion
of infection. Possible subjects include the epistemological, moral, social,
historical, emotional, and political dimensions of infection as we see them
articulated in texts by such authors as Sophocles, Boccaccio, Defoe, Poe,
Dickens, Artaud, Camus, and Krushner. Essays might address bio-terrorism,
scapegoating, the mystery of human connection, the social responses to
epidemic, various practices of "othering" that have occurred throughout
history, and infectivity and contagion in the processes of writing, reading,
and criticism.

Manuscripts should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words long for the special
issue and should be submitted in triplicate, with text and notes typewritten
and double-spaced, and prepared according to the guidelines in The Chicago
Manual of Style, 14th edition. Literature and Medicine is a peer-reviewed
journal. Authors' names should appear only on a cover sheet and any
identifiers in the text should be masked so that manuscripts can be reviewed
anonymously. Literature and Medicine reviews only unpublished manuscripts
that are not simultaneously under review for publication elsewhere.

Address below


General Issue Fall 2002:
MSS should be sent to
Rita Charon and Maura Spiegel, Editors-in-Chief
Literature and Medicine
Columbia University-College of Physicians and Surgeons
630 West 168th Street
New York, NY 10032
Inquiries: Dr. Rita Charon,

Spring 2003 Special Issue (Infection and Contagion)
MSS should be sent to
Arnold Weinstein, Issue Editor
Comparative Literature
Brown University, Box E
Providence, RI 02912

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Received on Fri Dec 14 2001 - 13:34:32 EST