CFP: The Commonplace and the Exceptional (no deadline noted; e-journal issue)

full name / name of organization: submissions
contact email: 

nasty ( has two calls for submissions out this issue.
The first call for submissions is, as usual, for written work:

>From trauma narratives, to magic realism or even the adult topics of
juvenilia, in this issue of nasty, we would like to address narratives which
weave together and/or blur the lines between the common place and the

Submissions should be in MS Word format, and emailed to, attention Kirsten C. Uszkalo. For more information on
our submission guidelines, please visit

Our second call for submissions comes in the form of a cover design
competition. the world's brattiest online academic journal is holding a
no-holds barred design competition for the cover of our next issue. The
general theme of the issue is "The ordinary and the extraordinary";
submissions should reflect a coming together of, or blurring the division
between the ordinary and the extraordinary.

Submissions should be in HTML or Flash format, and must make use of stock
photography found on Submission deadline is May 15, 2002.
Email a URL where your work can be viewed to with the
subject, "nasty cover design competition".
we also welcome submissions of photo essays and other material for our
upcoming issue. Please contact us for more details.

about nasty

nasty is a peer-reviewed journal, which exists to create a forum for the
dissemination and promotion and of new, controversial and challenging
cultural and academic thought across the humanities.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Apr 03 2002 - 15:18:53 EST