CFP: Limen - Journal for Theory and Practice of Liminal Phenomena (e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Igor Markovic
contact email: 

--standard apologies for x-postings and self promotion--

The second issue (first thematic - Language, Literature, Liminality) of
Limen - journal for theory and practice of liminal phenomena - is out
and online at the *NEW URL*
We now invite contributions for the third, general issue.
Liminality as a field of study has not only ultimately proven its
autonomous existence, but also revealed a broad range of methodological
and case-study possibilities within the extensive field of social
sciences and humanities. Springing from the works of van Gennep and
Turner, and consistently reshaped within post-colonial studies (Bhabha),
the notion of liminality presents nowadays a new and promising field of
exploration for scholars from diverse grounds.
The editors invite abstracts and full papers that address the concept of
liminality or in-betweenness and any of the problems associated with
understanding its nature, and its potential applications. Please send
enquiries, abstracts, or proposals, by the 15th of May 2002 to: or and/or visit the journal website
for full details on submission rules.

Aljosa Puzar, University of Rijeka

Igor Markovic, Zagreb

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Received on Thu Apr 11 2002 - 08:15:35 EDT