UPDATE: Early Theatre (journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Helen Ostovich
contact email: 

EARLY THEATRE 5.1 (2002) (journal)

Beginning in 2002, EARLY THEATRE will be publishing 2 issues a year, one =
in June and the other in December. We are always interested in =
receiving an article or note on any aspect of early modern performance =
or theatre history, and are still reviewing material for our December =
issue. =20

Although EARLY THEATRE has received government funding (Social Sciences =
and Humanities Research Council of Canada) well as support from McMaster =
University, subscribers play a vital role in the continuation of this =
journal. Please renew your subscription or begin a new subscription. =
Right now, $25 a year will pay for the two issues. We need your =

For the next issue, here is the table of contents. You may access the =
abstracts online at www.earlytheatre.ca

EARLY THEATRE 5.1 (June 2002)

"Mrs Noah and Didactic Abuses" by JANE TOLMIE (Harvard)

"The Certainty of Uncertain Knowledge: The Collaborative Authorship of =
Changeling" by RICHARD L. NOCHIMSON (Yeshiva)

"Playhouse Calls: Folk Play Doctors on the Elizabethan Stage" by =
HARDIN (U of Kansas)

"The Performance of Disguise" by PETER HYLAND (Huron University =


H. R. Coursen. Shakespeare: The Two Traditions. Madison: Fairleigh =
University Press, 1999. Rev. by Deborah Cartmell.

John Cox. The Devil and the Sacred in English Drama, 1350-1642. =
Cambridge University Press, 2000. Rev. by Peter Happe.

Alan Dessen and Leslie Thomson. Dictionary of Stage Directions in =
Drama. Rev. by Linda McJannet

Susan Frye and Karen Robertson, eds. Maids and Mistresses, Cousins and
Queens. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Rev. by Joan Larsen =

Margreta de Grazia and Stanley Wells, eds. The Cambridge Companion to
Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Rev. by Peter

Richard Harp and Stanley Stewart, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Ben
Jonson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Rev. by James =

Chris Humphrey. The Politics of Carnival: Festive Misrule in Medieval
England. Manchester UP/Palgrave, 2001. Rev. by Kathleen Ashley.

Cameron Louis, ed. Records of Early English Drama. Sussex. Brepols and
University of Toronto Press, 2000. Rev. by David Hickman

T. F. Wharton, ed. The Drama of John Marston. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2000. Rev. by Ray Rice.

For subscription, please contact CRRS Publications =

Business Information:
    71 Queen's Park E
    Victoria University
    Toronto ON M5S 1K7
  Phone: 416-585-4465

Helen Ostovich
Editor, EARLY THEATRE / Professor, Dept of English=20
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4L9
(905)525-9140 x24496 FAX (905)777-8316

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Received on Tue Apr 30 2002 - 14:33:15 EDT