CFP: The Many Faces of Information Competence (5/?/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Adams, Michael
contact email: 

Please excuse cross-postings.

        You are invited to submit proposed articles for a special issue of
Academic Exchange Quarterly entitled "The Many Faces of Information
Competence." The issue is coedited by Michael Adams of the City University
of New York Graduate Center and Mariana Regalado of Brooklyn College.

        Academic librarians are increasingly instructing targeted groups
within the academic environment. Such groups include freshman learning
communities, international students, graduate students, and faculty. Each of
these groups is far from homogenous because of the diversity of their
expectations of libraries and their information-seeking experiences. Even
into the twenty-first century, many faculty members, for example, are
reluctant to use electronic resources.

        How can we develop instruction programs that will address the shared
needs of such groups and the diverse needs of individuals? What assessment
tools are available to measure the success of such programs? How can we
identify constituencies being underserved?

        Manuscripts are sought that describe successful (and even
unsuccessful) approaches to information literacy for targeted groups and/or
diverse populations in higher education. Manuscripts are also sought that
report on quantitative or qualitative evaluations of the impact of
information literacy programs, courses, and components of courses. A wide
variety of approaches to this topic are sought.

        Academic Exchange Quarterly is a scholarly journal fostering
education, career growth, and personal development for college and
university faculty. Its current issue deals with "The Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning," and recent issues have focused on such topics as
assessment of academics, services, and administration and student
perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes. Over 23,000 institutions and
individuals subscribe to the print edition of Academic Exchange Quarterly,
and it is available electronically from Expanded Academic ASAP and InfoTrac
OneFile. Scholars from 263 colleges and universitites in 44 states and 22
foreign countries have published in the journal.

        Additional information is available at

        Submit proposals to Michael Adams at The
manuscript deadline will be May 2003.

        Please share this message with any librarians or faculty members who
may be interested.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed May 08 2002 - 22:10:21 EDT