CFP: Global James (3/1/03; journal issue)

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Forum on "Global James"

Submissions are invited for a Fall 2003 Forum on "Global James."
Contributions may address any aspect of the topic, including:

International influences on Henry James, James's international influence;
imperialism, colonialism, and postcolonialism in James's work; James
studies outside the U.S., teaching James in international classrooms,
reading James in translation, teaching James to non-native speakers of
English; "Henry James" as global capital; James's studies abroad; the
"International Theme," nation and nationality in James's work; James as an
American writer, James as a British writer, James as a French writer;
multicultural James; James as cultural critic; travel and travel writings;
James and international film publishing, production, marketing, and sales
of James's work outside the U.S.; the languages of Jamesian speech and
writing (his uses of French, Italian, etc.)

We also hope to include selected papers from the Henry James Today
Conference in Paris in the issue. HJR forums provide a flexible space for
critical conversation about a specific topic and allow for shorter, less
formal contributions. Contributions should be submitted in duplicate and
produced according to MLA style. Please enclose return postage with your

One-page proposals or short (10-12 pages) essays should be sent by
March 1, 2003 to:

Susan M. Griffin, Editor
Henry James Review
Department of English
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292

Henry James Review
Department of English
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
FAX: 502-852-4182

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sat May 25 2002 - 11:54:11 EDT