CFP: Men and Masculinities (no deadline noted; encyclopedia)

full name / name of organization: 
Merry G. Perry (chuma)
contact email: 

Please contact Michael S. Kimmel ( if you
are interested in the following CFP. Also, please pass on this CFP to
other colleagues who might be interested.


Merry G. Perry
Area Chair, Masculinities
National PCA/ACA Conference
Department of English
West Chester University
532 Main Hall
West Chester, PA 19383

Dear Colleagues:

We are writing to invite you take part in an exciting project. We have
agreed to edit the first comprehensive reference Encyclopedia on Men and
Masculinities for ABC-Clio Press, one of the world's premier publishers of
encyclopedias for university, high school and library reference. We intend
to edit what will be, at least for its time, the definitive encyclopedia on
the subject, at least for North American and English-speaking readers.

We are inviting you to be the author of one (or more) of the entries in
this two-volume work.

In our statement to the press we wrote:

In recent years, the study of GENDER has mushroomed both in the United
States and abroad. In the biological sciences, research into the
biological bases of gender identity and gender differences has yielded
important insights. In the social sciences, cross-cultural, historical,
psychological, and sociological research on has enabled us to understand
the very different ways in which the genders act, think, and feel. And
research in the humanities has exploded with recent efforts to understand
literature, art , and music as gendered representations.

In academic and professional associations, those attuned to gender are
among the fastest growing sub-sections. In the American Sociological
Association, for example, the "Sex and Gender" section is the largest
section of the association, surpassing "Medical Sociology" in 1998. In
university publishing, gender studies, gay and lesbian studies and women's
studies lists continue to sell well.

The overwhelming majority of gender research has been, naturally, on women.
 Women are the "second sex," the "other," and as such, it has been women
who have begun to make gender visible to contemporary scholars and lay
people alike. This is, of course, politically as it should be: the
marginalized always understand first the mechanisms of their
marginalization; it remains for them to convince the center that the
processes of marginalization are in fact both real and remediable.

Part of that process has been "making masculinity visible:" to explore the
origins, structures and dynamics of masculinity as a way of decentering it
as the unexamined norm. This process has now been in full swing for about
two decades, and has produced a prodigious and interesting body of work.

The time has come to assemble what is known about men and masculinities
into one single reference that would make the fruits of this research
available to scholars, students, and lay readers alike. The purpose of
this Encyclopedia is to accomplish precisely this assembly. We therefore
propose to edit a two-volume Encyclopedia of Studies on Men and

So much for the justification to the press. Here's where you come in:

The Encyclopedia would bring together many of the world's premier scholars
and writers who would write original, short essays that would provide a
reader with a brief guide to the issue and some suggestions for further
reading. We will cover biological, cross-cultural, psychological,
sociological research, as well as representations from the arts and
humanities. Our authors will be the best-known scholars in the field,
invited because of both their command of the material and their ability to
convey it in a manner that is immediate and accessible.

That means you!

What we are asking is that you consider undertaking one (or more) of the
entries to this project. Each entry, regardless of length, should be
fluidly written, both authoritative and accessible. Each entry will
conclude with a brief guide to further readings on that topic.

I hope you will join us in this exciting project.

Thanks very much.


Michael Kimmel
Amy Aronson

American, Literary
"Beat" poets
Charles Brockden Brown
Catcher in the Rye
Holden Caulfield
James Fenimore Cooper
Stephen Crane
Detective Fiction and/or Mickey Spillane; Dashiell Hammett; Raymond
Sherlock Holmes
Frederick Douglass
Theodore Dreiser
Ralph Waldo Emerson
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ben Franklin [also listed in historical]
Jay Gatsby/Gatsby
George Gilder
Allen Ginsburg
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Sherlock Holmes
Invisible Man
Henry James
Jack Kerouac
Lord of the Flies
Willie Loman
Norman Mailer
The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit
Herman Melville
Henry Miller
Frank Norris
Eugene O'Neill
The Organization Man
Peter Pan
Phillip Roth
John Steinbeck
Henry David Thoreau
Wright, Richard
Philip Wylie

American, Pop
Alan Alda
Woody Allen
Bruce Barton and/or The Man Nobody Knows
Blackface minstrelsy [also listed in historical/social]
Humphrey Bogart
James Bond
Marlon Brando
Rhett Butler
Dale Carnegie and/or How to Win Friends and Influence People
Charlie Chaplin
City Slickers
Bill Cosby and/or The Cosby Show
Davy Crockett
Dirty Harry/Dirty Harry
Clint Eastwood
Tom Hanks
Kramer vs. Kramer
Kung Fu movies
Norman Vincent Peale
Robin Hood
Will Rogers
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Dr. Spock
Bruce Springsteen
Sylvester Stallone (should be separate from entry on Rocky)
Three Men and a Baby

American, historical and social
Black Panthers
Blackface minstrelsy
Henry Clay
Bill Clinton
Floyd Dell
Max Eastman
Ben Franklin [also listed in literary]
William Henry Harrison
Hell's Angels
Charles Ives
"Men's Liberation"
William Morris
Ronald Reagan
Ernest Thompson Seton
Lincoln Steffans
Martin Van Buren
Frank Lloyd Wright

British/European, Literary
Lord Byron (or Byronic Hero)
Cavalier Poets (Carew, Lovelace, Suckling)
Charles Dickens
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Thomas Hardy
Henrik Ibsen
D.H. Lawrence
Marquis de Sade
Oscar Wilde

Michael Kimmel
Brooklyn, NY

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Received on Sat Aug 17 2002 - 23:02:42 EDT