CFP: Mary McCarthy (4/1/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Gina Barreca
contact email: 

_Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory_ is currently
soliciting submissions for an upcoming special issue
on Mary McCarthy, guest edited by Brenda Murphy.

We seek articles on the full range of McCarthy's
writings, although treatments of her fiction and of
her cultural commentary and reportage are particularly
welcome. Our aim is to situate McCarthy's work within
the post-World War II American cultural context, in
which she was widely viewed as the United States's
leading female intellectual and woman of letters. For
this reason, articles on her relationships to
contemporaries, such as Hannah Arendt, Elizabeth
Hardwick, Robert Lowell, Phillip Rahv, Edmund Wilson,
Lillian Hellman, and Norman Mailer, will also be

Deadline for submissions: April 1, 2003

_Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory_ publishes
critical essays which interpret texts from an
engaging, coherent theoretical perspective and which
provide original, close readings of texts. Because
Lit addresses a general literate audience, we
encourage essays unburdened by excessive theoretical
jargon. We do not restrict ourselves to specific
periods, genres, or critical paradigms. Submissions
range from 5000 to 10,000 words and must use MLA
citation style. Please send essays in triplicate (if
outside the U.S or Canada, one copy will do), along
with a 100 word abstract, to Regina Barreca, Editor,
Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory, Department of
English, 215 Glenbrook Rd., Box 4025, University of
Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 06269-4025, U.S.A.

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Received on Thu Sep 19 2002 - 14:36:58 EDT