CFP: Texas, South, Southwest studies (4/30/03; journal issue)
The Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas (JASAT) is
accepting manuscripts 15-25 pages in length on various aspects of American
culture, with an emphasis on Texas, the South, and the Southwest. Among
recent articles are "An Aural Counterpart: Afro-Chicano Music Culture and
Mainstream Radio in Post-War Los Angeles," "Wiring Texas: The Story of the
Texas and Red River Telegraph Company"; "Chinese Medicine and Asian-American
Literature [vis a vis San Francisco]: A Case Study of Fifth Chinese
Daughter"; and Donald K. Picken's reflections on the Civil War and the Lost
Cause thesis: "Second Thoughts on the Second American Revolution."
Although manuscripts are accepted at any time, the deadline for each issue
is April 30 (next deadline, 4/30/03). Manuscripts must be submitted as MS
Word if sent as an e-mail attachment or they may be mailed, in triplicate,
to the address below. For additional information on style and substance,
contact JASAT editor Elizabeth Elam Roth, JASAT, 902 Yaupon Valley Rd.,
Austin, TX 78746-3550;
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Sep 25 2002 - 18:44:04 EDT