CFP: Australian and New Zealand Cinema (6/1/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Ian Conrich
contact email: 

Australian and New Zealand Cinema
Call for Papers

Post Script: Essays in Film and Humanities is calling for contributors
for a special issue on 'Australian and New Zealand Cinema'. The issue
seeks to establish new approaches to film production and film culture in
each country, with proposals welcome on any period of cinema. Proposals
are particularly encouraged which consider or contrast themes and issues
relevant to both cinemas; on the ideas of globalisation,
postcolonialism, neo-colonialism, and the post-national; the
representation of the 'other', and the relationship with cultures from
the Asia-Pacific rim, including America; the value of local film
technology and effects production; and on neglected film forms such as
animation, the short film, the avant-garde and experimental. Also
encouraged are book reviews up to 1000 words in length on any relevant
publications of the last few years.
        Articles should be previously unpublished, no longer than 24 pages,
double-spaced, and incluing documentation (MLA preferred). Submit three
hard copies of your manuscript, plus one disk copy (in Word) format.
Include a SAE for return of manuscripts and disk, should that be
necessary. Deadline: June 1 2003.

Please address all enquiries, and send all submissions, to: Ian Conrich
Guest Editor, Post Script Australia and New Zealand Issue, 15 Garrett
Grove, Clifton Village, Nottingham NG11 8PU England. E-mail: [or]

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Mon Oct 28 2002 - 11:58:23 EST