CFP: Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations in Film & TV (4/1/03; collection)

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Call For Papers

We are soliciting submissions for an upcoming collection of essays entitled
Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations of Shakespeare in Film and Telelvision
to be published by McFarland.

The volume will address the appropriation of Shakespearean narratives,
thematics, imagery, and characterizations in non-Shakespearean cinema and
television. For example, the essays may observe the dialogue between the
Shakespearean source and the cinematic context or examine the intersection of
high and low art forms. The submissions should not concentrate on films of
Shakespearean plays, but instead on those works that are based on or borrow
from Shakespeare.

Submissions should be made to
Dr. James Keller and Dr. Leslie Stratyner
Division of Humanities, W-1634
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus, MS 39701
Email submissions also welcome: or

Essays should be documented in MLA style and should be no longer than 5000
words. The works that are accepted must be submitted on diskette in Word or
Wordperfect format. Deadline for completed manuscripts is April 1, 2003

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                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Nov 24 2002 - 10:26:40 EST