CFP: Altitude: Australian Studies (e-journal)

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Call for papers/editors


Introducing Altitude, a new e-journal. The ambition of the Altitude
project is to work in a collaborative, interdisciplinary and international
context, in the field of Australian Studies. As part of the API Network it
is committed to the ideal of democratising knowledges, concerned with
enabling and provoking vibrant and exploratory textual conversations
amongst new and emerging critical and scholarly writing.

Specifically this invites and publishes research that engages with topical
issues, taking the form of essays, non-fiction, and review pieces. The aim
is to foreground exciting, challenging, and vigorous work that encompasses
both innovative and mainstream practices.

Altitude is a fully refereed journal published quarterly. Editors at large
are Emily Potter and Robyn Tucker. The first edition is to be launched in
March 2003.


‘In Response’

Recent world events have highlighted the ambiguity of responsibility.
Reactions have reinvigorated the currency of personal, local, national,
and international response: what are the relations between response and
responsibility, and what does it mean on any of these levels to be
responsive? What are the implications of our real actions?

Are there, for instance, different understandings of responsibility? How
are these differences responded to? How does responsibility negotiate

Can we articulate responsibility as both analytic and with reference to
such states as love, care, trust, anger, sentiment (or others)?

What happens when responsibility is understood historically—what are
implications for the present? What does it mean to be responsible for the
past? How do we respond to the past?

Altitude is calling for papers for its inaugural edition that are thinking
through these issues with reference to an Australian context, in terms of
such things as political rhetoric, fieldwork, textual sites (media,
discourse, fiction), and the everyday.

Email abstracts/expressions to by December 20 2002.
The deadline for papers is February 15 2003.


We are calling for local editors for editions two (June), three and four,

As local editors, in consultation with the editors at large, your role is to:

· devise edition topics/themes, in keeping with the broad possibilities
of Altitude’s articulated aims;
· to select and edit editions.

Email expressions of interest to

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Nov 28 2002 - 13:47:56 EST