CFP: The Work of Art, Literature 1914-1945 (10/1/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Kristin Bluemel

*Precursors and Aftermaths: Literature in English 1914-1945*
Special Issue on "The Work of Art"
The editors of the journal *Precursors and Aftermaths: Literature in =
English 1914-1945* would like to announce a call for papers for a =
special issue: Volume 3, Number 1 on "The Work of Art in the Space =
Between." Deadline for submissions to the special issue is October 1, =

The topic of this special issue corresponds to the conference topic of =
the 2003 Fifth Annual Meeting of the journal's sponsoring society, The =
Space Between. The editors invite submissions to the journal that =
examine the contexts, productions, definitions, and receptions of "The =
Work of Art" during the years bracketed by the World Wars.

Please send submissions or correspondence regarding submissions to =
Kristin Bluemel, at or at Department of English, =
Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ 07764. Articles should be =
5,000 to 9,000 words (including notes and works cited). Please submit =
three paper copies, and if possible, an identical electronic copy in =
Word. Articles should conform to MLA style. Include a cover letter =
that describes the contents of your article.

*Precursors and Aftermaths* is a refereed literary journal that =
emphasizes research on lesser-known writers and understudied issues of =
the period. Its editors are interested in innovative and =
interdisciplinary approaches to texts of all kinds.

*Precursors and Aftermaths* also publishes reviews on books that =
represent various disciplines' approaches to the culture of the space =
between the wars. Correspondence for the review editor should be =
addressed to Debra Rae Cohen at the Department of English, University of =
Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 72701.

For its general issue volumes *Precursors and Aftermaths* welcomes =
articles on any aspect of literature published in English between 1914 =
and 1945. Articles on non-canonical authors are especially appreciated, =
as are articles that address literary responses to the First or Second =
World Wars.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Nov 28 2002 - 13:27:45 EST