CFP: Textualizing Orature and Orality (8/31/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Kevin Flynn
contact email: 

Essays on Canadian Writing invites submissions of manuscripts for a =
special issue on textualizing orature and orality--the transformation of =
spoken, chanted, or sung vocalizations into printed or virtual text--and =
the ethical, political, aesthetic, and pedagogical issues raised by such =
textualizations. Some topics that might be addressed include:

  a.. textualized orature: works composed and passed on orally until =
transcribed or otherwise mediated (e.g. the work of anthropologists such =
as Marius Barbeau and Wendy Wickwire or poets like Robert Bringhurst);

  a.. textualized orality: works not composed orally but which result =
from the efforts of writers such as Thomas King, Louise Halfe, and M. =
NourbeSe Philip to keep the oral traditions and speech practices of =
their respective cultures alive in our literate, Eurocentric national =
  a.. writings inspired by what Dennis Cooley calls the vernacular muse; =
  a.. textualizations of oral/aural histories; of sound, dub, reggae, =
and slam poetry; and of music lyrics and interviews.
Papers that compare Canadian writers' textualizings of orature and =
orality with those of other postcolonial writers are also welcome, as =
are ficto-critical responses to the topic.

The deadline for submission of papers is 31 August 2003. Papers may be =
of any length, but scholarly essays would normally be 7,000-10,000 =
words. All the usual requirements for submission to ECW apply; please =
consult the prefatory information page in a current copy of the journal. =
Contributions should be mailed to:

Susan Gingell

Department of English

University of Saskatchewan

9 Campus Drive

Saskatoon, SK

S7N 5A5

Kevin Flynn
Essays on Canadian Writing
Department of English
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, QC H3A 2T6
tel 514 398-8326
fax 514 398-8220

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Received on Tue Dec 03 2002 - 14:36:36 EST