CFP: Book Reviews for The 18th C.: A Current Bibliography (6/1/03; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Deborah Armintor
contact email: 


As the new Field Editor for Bibliography and Textual Studies for _The
Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography_ (ECCB), I am soliciting
reviews of the following books, book chapters, and journal articles, for
a forthcoming volume of ECCB, to be published in 2004 (see list below).
ECCB, published by AMS Press, is an annual compilation of
bibliographical information and reviews covering the widest possible
range of recent books in eighteenth-century literature, textual studies,
history, economics, art, music, philosophy, religion, and history of
science. It is an invaluable resource to scholars in the field and to
university libraries, and is read by faculty and students worldwide and
from a variety of disciplines.

Please contact Deborah Needleman Armintor at if you would
like to review one or more of the following (no more than 4 reviews per

Baines, Paul. The House of Forgery in Eighteenth-Century Britain.
Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, 1999.

Basker, James G. The Critical Review, or, Annals of Literature,
1756-1763. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2001.

Davis, Michael T. The London Corresponding Society Publications,
1792-1799. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2001.

Groom, Nick. The Making of Percy's "Reliques". New York: Oxford
University Press, 1999.

Isaac, Peter C.G. and Barry McKay. The Moving Market: Continuity and
Change in the Book Trade. New Castle: Oak Knoll Press, 2001.

Kennedy, Maíre. French Books in Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Oxford:
Voltaire Foundation, 2001.

Maslen, K.I.D. Samuel Richardson of London, Printer: A Study of His
Printing Based on Ornament Use and Business Accounts. Otago Studies in
English, number 7, 2001.

McLaverty, J. Pope, Print, and Meaning. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2001.

Mooney, James E (ed.). Eighteenth-Century Catalogues of the Yale
College Library. New Haven: Yale University Beinecke Library, 2001.

Raven, James (ed.). Free Print and Non-Commercial Publishing since
1700. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000.

Rivers, Isabel. Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England:
New Essays. New York: Leicester University Press, 2001.

Smith, David. Bibliography of the Writings of Helvétius.
Ferney-Voltaire: Centre International d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2001.

Strugnell, Anthony (ed.). From Letter to Publication: Studies on
Correspondence and the History of the Book, with the Besterman Lecture
2000. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2001.

Uglow, Nathan. The Historian's Two Bodies: The Reception of Historical
Texts in France, 1701-1790. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company,

Voltaire Foundation. Voltaire, Religion and Ideology, Women's Studies,
History of the Book, Passion in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford:
Voltaire Foundation, 2001.

Williams, Jerry M. (ed.). Peralta Barnuevo and the Art of Propaganda:
Politics, Poetry, and Religion in Eighteenth-Century Lima: Five Texts.
Newark: Juan de la Cuesta, 2001.

Bahr, Ehrhard and Walter K. Stewart. "North American Goethe
Dissertations: 1989-99 Suplement." Goethe Yearbook: Publications of the
Goethe Society of North America, 10 (2001), 263-75.

Barchas, Janine. "Before Print Culture: Mary, Lady Chudleigh, and the
Assimilation of the Book." Eighteenth-Century Genre and Culture:
Serious Reflections on Occasional Forms: Essays in Honor of J. Paul
Hunter. Dennis, Todd and Paul Hunter (eds.). Newark: University of
Delaware Press, 2001. Pp. 316, 15-35.

Bath, Marilyn. "Exploring the Book Arts through One Fine Copy of The
Castle of Otranto." The Eighteenth-Century Novel. New York: AMS, 2001.
 Pp. 343, 287-310.

Berg, Peter. "Eighteenth-Century Holdings at Michigan State
University." East-Central Intelligencer, 15.3 (2001), 4-9.

Donoghue, Frank. "Avoiding the 'Cooler Tribunal of the Study': Richard
Brinsley Sheridan's Writer's Block and Late Eighteenth-Century Print
Culture." ELH, 68.4 (2001), 831-56.

Dorleijn, G.J. and Keith van Rees (eds.). "The Eighteenth-Century
Literary Field in Western Europe: The Interdependence of Material and
Symbolic Production and Consumption." Poetics, 28.5-6 (2001), 331-48.

Dussinger, John (ed. and introd.). "Questions of Literary Property in
Eighteenth-Century England." Studies in the Literary Imagination, 34.1

Maruca, Lisa. "Political Propriety and Feminine Property: Women in the
Eighteenth-Century Text Trades." Studies in the Literary Imagination,
34.1 (2001), 79-99.

Ellison, Julie. "News, Blues, and Cowper's Busy World." MLQ, 62.3
(2001), 219-37.

Ferdinand, C.Y. "The Economics of the Eighteenth-Century Provincial
Book Trade: The Case of Ward and Chandler." Re-Constructing the Book:
Literary Texts in Transmission. Bell, Maureen; Shirley Chew; Simon
Eliot; Lynette Hunter; and James L.W. West (eds.). Aldershot: Ashgate,
2001. Pp. 231, 42-56.

Goldgar, Bertrand. "Imitation and Plagiarism: The Lauder Affair and Its
Critical Aftermath." Studies in the Literary Imagination, 34.1 (2001),

Kewes, Paulina. "'[A] Play, Which I Presume to Call Original':
Appropriation, Creative Genius, and Eighteenth-Century Playwriting."
Studies in the Literary Imagination, 34.1 (2001), 17-47.

Lockwood, Thomas. "Subscription Hunters and Their Prey." Studies in
the Literary Imagination, 34.1 (2001), 121-35.

McKinstry, E. Richard. "Resources for Eighteenth-Century Studies at the
Winterthur Library." East-Central Intelligencer, 15.3 (2001), 19-22.

Paradise, Nathaniel. "From Poet to Novelist: Women Writers and the
Literary Marketplace." Eighteenth-Century Women: Studies in Their
Lives, Work, and Culture (2001), 237-62.

Pettit, Alexander. "Rex v. Curl: Pornography and Punishment in Court
and on the Page." Studies in the Literary Imagination, 34.1 (2001),

Salman, Jeroen. "Children's Books as a Commodity: The Rise of a New
Literary Subsystem in the Eighteenth-Century Dutch Republic." Poetics,
28.5-6 (2001), 399-421.

Sambrook, James. "'A Just Balance Between Patronage and the Press': The
Case of James Thomson." Studies in the Literary Imagination, 34.1
(2001), 137-53.

Smyth, Elaine. "Eclectic and Underadmired: 18th-Century Holdings in the
LSU Libraries." East-Central Intelligencer, 15.1 (2001), 23-5.

The above list is still in progress. If you can think of any 2001
books, articles, or book chapters pertaining to eighteenth-century
bibliography, textual studies, book culture, history of the book, and/or
printing history, that are NOT on this list, please email;
your help would be greatly appreciated.

If interested in reviewing any of the above for ECCB, please include the
following in your message to

a) your name, affiliation, and contact information
b) the titles of 1-4 books, book chapters, or articles (from the above
list) you'd like to review
c) your cv
d) a short paragraph about your interests in the eighteenth century OR a
sample of your critical writing OR a book review on any
eighteenth-century topic

Please include all of the above within the text of your message; NO

Reviews will be due at the address below by June 1st, 2003, and can
range from 200 to 2,000 words. On or before that date, you will be
expected to submit one hard copy and one PC disk, with reviews in either
Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. Reviewers will not be paid, but do get
to keep the review copy if the publisher provides us with one.

Graduate students are welcome.

Deborah Needleman Armintor
Field Editor for Bibliography and Textual Studies, ECCB
Assistant Professor of English
University of North Texas
Department of English
P.O. Box 311307
Denton, Texas 76203-1307
Email: / Fax: 940-565-4335

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