CFP: Working-class Rhetorics (7/1/03; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
William DeGenaro
contact email: 


The term "working class," though highly contested and socially
constructed, refers to a meaningful socio-economic category and cultural
marker. While rhetoricians have begun to map out feminist and queer
rhetorics, complex rhetorics of race, and contrastive studies of western
and eastern rhetorics, very little scholarship in the field(s) of
rhetoric explicitly seeks to study, understand, and critique
working-class individuals, communities, tropes, and cultures. In
response to this void, essays are sought for a new volume that will
expand the scope of the rhetorical tradition by exploring the definitions
and possibilities of working-class rhetorics. Submission
deadline: July 1, 2003.

Articles of approximately 20-25 double-spaced pages may include
theoretical studies connecting theories of class with theories of
rhetoric, historical-archival analyses of social movements germane to the
working class, ethnographies of working-class communities, rhetorical
critiques of appropriate texts and artifacts, discourse analyses of print
artifacts, ideological critiques of working-class representations in the
media and popular culture, or reports of experimental studies pertaining
to the oral and literate practices of the working class. Methodological
and disciplinary diversity, a hallmark of scholarship in rhetoric, is
welcomed. Ideally, contributors will represent fields such as
anthropology, composition studies, education, the history of rhetoric, and
speech communication. Specific areas of inquiry might include (but are
certainly not limited to): globalization and anti-globalization; trade
unions; connections between social class and gender, sexuality, race, and
other identity markers; the corporatization of higher education; the
cultural myth of the classless society in the U.S.; and sweatshop studies
and NAFTA.

Send queries to 500-word abstracts or completed
papers (with MLA documentation) may be sent to William DeGenaro,
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Miami University Hamilton,
1601 Peck Boulevard, Hamilton, Ohio 45011; or submitted via e-mail (in
Word or rich text format please).

Bill DeGenaro
Assistant Professor, English
Miami University Hamilton

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Received on Tue Dec 17 2002 - 23:23:08 EST