UPDATE: Globalization in South Asia (3/30/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
John Hawley
contact email: 

Call for Papers
For a Special Issue of the South Asian Review
On the topic of
=22Globalization with a Focus on South Asia=22
(South Asia is here defined as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh,
and Nepal.)
For the Special Issue, topics of interdisciplinary interest are also
welcome. Thus:
gender studies,
Globalization and its impacts are variously defined. Malcolm Waters
describes it as =22a social process in which the constraints of geography
on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which people become
increasingly aware that they are receding.=22 Thomas Friedman emphasizes
the contrast between the Cold War, when divisions were emphasized, and
the Global Era, when connections rule the day; the Cold War stressed
weight, the Global underscores speed. Superpowers are now joined by
super-empowered individuals-for good or ill.
 =B7 What is happening to the concept of the nation-state?
 =B7 What chance has the local over the global?
 =B7 What hope is there for those not =22on the train,=22 in Friedman=27s
 =B7 What is the future of the relationship between =22fundamentalism=22 =
 =B7 How is this reflected in the literary imagination or popular
The deadline for the receipt of complete manuscripts, 15-25 pages in
length, prepared in accordance with the MLA style, is MARCH 30, 2003.

The issue will be guest-edited by John C. Hawley. The South Asian
Review is the publication of the South Asian Literary Association, an
allied organization of the Modern Language Association of America.
Housed at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, and under the
editorship of K.D. Verma, the journal is fully refereed and welcomes
submissions on all aspects of South Asian literatures from any
theoretical or critical perspective.
Submission--two copies and a diskette--should be sent to John C.
Hawley, Dept. of English, Santa Clara University, 500 El Camino, Santa
Clara, CA 95053. E-mail: jhawley_at_scu.edu; Departmental FAX: 408 554
Books on related topics, for possible review, should be called to the
attention of P.S. Chauhan, Reviews Editor, Department of English,
Arcadia University, 450 South Easton Road, Glendale, PA 19038-3295.
Email: chauhanp_at_comcast.net

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Dec 17 2002 - 23:17:03 EST