CFP: Encyclopedia of Modern Political Ideologies (4/30/03; encyclopedia)

full name / name of organization:

Contributors sought for
The Encyclopedia of Modern Political Ideologies
to be published by M.E. Sharpe in 2004

Project Description

The Encyclopedia is a two-volume academic reference work furnishing a general
overview of modern European and American political culture from the early
modern period to the present. The Encyclopedia consists of 28
chronologically-arranged chapters with a maximum length of 15,000 words per
chapter. Each chapter furnishes an historical review and critical examination
of a major political ideology of the modern era, from absolutism to the
anti-neoliberal global justice movement. The Encyclopedia is designed to serve
as a standard, comprehensive reference work for universities, public libraries,
media outlets, and individual academics.

Authors will be encouraged to offer accessible (i.e., jargon-free) accounts
providing nonspecialists with an appropriate introduction to their subject
area, as well as information and interpretations that will be of interest to
scholars specializing in the study of political ideologies. Each chapter will
conclude with a ‘Focus’ item - a short (1-2,000) word evaluation of the
contribution of an important historian, philosopher or political scientist to
our understanding of the political ideology under discussion - and a
bibliographical essay.

Final drafts are to be submitted to the general editor by April 30, 2003 (1-2
month extensions can be negotiated in particular circumstances). Upon
publication, contributors will be paid an honorarium of $250 plus a copy of the

For a complete list of ideologies that have been allocated chapters or for
further information about this project, please contact the general editor:

James Paterson

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Received on Tue Dec 24 2002 - 11:39:20 EST