UPDATE: Norman Mailer since Executioner's Song (6/15/03; journal issue)
Norman Mailer will turn 80 in 2003, and a special issue of Journal of
Modern Literature will commemorate his 50+ years of achievement with a
special issue, focussing on Mailer's publications since The
Executioner's Song.
Since winning the Pulitzer Prize for this work in 1980, Mailer has
written four fictional narratives of an extraordinary variety(Ancient
Evenings, Tough Guys Don't Dance, Harlot's Ghost, and The Gospel
According to the Son) , nonfictional works (such as Oswald's Tale: An
American Mystery and Picasso: Portrait of Picasso as a Young Man), and
the fifty-year retrospective omnibus collection The Time of Our Time. He
has created more in his "retirement years" than many writers do in their
whole lives, and yet very little recent critical attention has been paid
to his mature work. Original critical essays on Mailer's writings and
cultural significance since the publication of Executioner's Song are
requested for a special issue of Journal of Modern Literature. Studies
of individual texts, patterns within Mailer's writing, intertextual
relations with other authors, meditations on changes within American
literary evaluation, feminist readings and/or discussions of masculine
performance in the life and work, considerations of Mailerian
carnivalesque writing, postcolonial critiques of shifts within American
identity--all such possibilities are welcome. Papers should follow MLA
standards and should not exceed 25 pages in length. Shorter papers are
also welcome.
* 250-500 word abstracts postmarked by 15 April 2003
* Completed essays by 15 June 2003.
Please send abstracts and essays as email attachments to:
elljwb_at_nus.edu.sg <mailto:elljwb_at_nus.edu.sg> . Please send documents in
Microsoft Word format.
Hardcopies can be sent to this address:
Dr John Whalen-Bridge
English Language and Literature
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Road
Singapore 119720
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Jan 17 2003 - 17:25:23 EST