CFP: Media Games: The Quiz & Game Show Reader (3/31/03; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Jason Mittell
contact email: 

Call for Papers: Media Games: The Quiz & Game Show Reader

Few television genres are as representative of the medium=B9s particular
contradictions and blurred boundaries as the game and quiz show.
Straddling the lines between fact and fiction, advertising and
entertainment, national and global, "legitimate" and "trashy," the game
show might be the most uniquely televisual of all genres. Yet there has
been a comparative dearth of scholarship on this important form of
television programming =AD this collection intends to help fill that
scholarly void through a set of original essays exploring the game and
quiz show broadly conceived. Submissions are invited to explore game
and quiz shows in a variety of international, historical, and
theoretical contexts. While all approaches and topics relating to the
genre are welcomed, some specific facets that are encouraged include:

- Game shows across national borders =AD transnational circulation of game
shows, different national genre norms and conventions, role of policy
and regulation concerning game shows.
- Game shows and cultural norms =AD politics of genre "quality" and
hierarchies, controversial game show reception and content regulation,
identity politics within the genre, role of host/hostess as cultural
- Game shows and genre mixing =AD blending game shows with music
television, "reality" programs, advertising, home improvement, comedy,
- Game shows and academic discourse =AD intellectual history of game show
criticism, role of the genre within media history and historiography.
- Game shows and historical transitions =AD moments of genre
transformation and crisis (e.g. quiz show scandals, specific generic
booms and busts).
- Game shows and media industries =AD relation between commercial and/or
public service models and games shows, role of syndication and global
distribution, sites of game show production and economics.
- Game shows across media =AD non-television game shows (e.g. radio,
Internet), representations of game shows in other media.

This project is under discussion with a major academic publisher in
media studies. Please submit a 300-500 word proposal and a brief bio by
March 31 in MS Word or RTF format to =AD full
essays will be expected by July 15, 2003. Send proposals or questions

Jason Mittell
Department of American Civilization and Film & Media Culture
212 Adirondack House
Middlebury College
Middlebury, Vermont 05753
(802) 443-3435

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Received on Sun Jan 19 2003 - 13:15:39 EST
