CFP: Victorian Medievalism (3/1/03; collection)

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Call For Papers for a collection of essays titled

Beyond Arthurian Romances and Gothic Thrillers: The Reach of Victorian

The Medieval Period, glorified as an example of a stable, nobler time,
became a cultural touchstone for the Victorians. Writers, painters,
architects, and social commentators were among those who looked to the
period for examples of leadership, vocation, social structure, and faith.
However, despite a pervasive, diverse interest in medievalism at all levels
of Victorian society, recent studies of Victorian medievalism tend to focus
on the Arthurian legend or on the Gothic revival. We are looking for essays
that address this "other" Victorian medievalism in the following areas:

1. New Visions/Versions of Traditional Topics
2. The Medieval Framework for Female Vocation
3. Community Development: Housing, Commerce, and/or Social Services
4. The Role of the Artist
5. Religious Controversy and Models for Faith
6. Realizations of Loss and Mourning
7. Victorian Popular Culture: Medievalism and the Mass Market

please send 300-500 word abstracts by March 1 to me at
Lorretta M. Holloway
English Department
Framingham State College
100 State st; P.O. Box 9101
Framingham, MA 01701

Lorretta M. Holloway, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
English Department
Framingham State College

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Received on Sun Jan 19 2003 - 13:18:44 EST
