CFP: Agora: All Humanities Topics (grad) (e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
James Gifford
contact email: 

CFP: open issues, 2.2 and after

Agora, (ISSN 1496-9580; <>) is an
internationally refereed online graduate journal that provides a public
forum for dialogue and debate about literary criticism and pedagogy. Agora
welcomes submissions in electronic and/or multimedia formats (i.e. images,
audio files, etc) that examine issues or media in the Humanities,
literature, literary culture, and the history of communication from the
eighteenth century to present-day. Submissions on the teaching in the
Humanities and scholarly research that use a multimedia format in its
exposition are especially welcome.

Based in the Department of English at the University of Alberta in Canada
and published three times a year, Agora invites submissions by graduate
students and new scholars from around the world. Agora is comprised of an
international board of Associate Editors interested in a wide variety of
approaches and disciplines ranging from English literature and cultural
history to communication theory and information technologies. The journal
is archived in the National Library of Canada and listed in the Canadian
Literary Periodical Index.

Manuscripts, with a 200-250 word abstract, will be accepted in either
hard-copy or electronic format, although accepted papers must be submitted
electronically in accordance with current MLA guidelines and the Agora
on-line style sheet. The author’s name should not appear on the manuscript,
but on a separate cover page, or for e-mail submissions in the body of the
e-mail stating name, mailing address, e-mail address and the title of the
paper. Electronic submissions may be sent to Agora on a 3.5 diskette, or via
e-mail <> with the subject heading "Submission."
Documents should be formatted in MS Word, HTML, or Rich Text Format. Print
submissions may be sent in duplicate to:

Agora: Online Graduate Humanities Journal
Department of English
3-5 Humanities Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Hard-copy submissions and diskettes will not be returned.

Please note that the journal enthusiastically supports the inclusion of
relevant multimedia materials. Images and photographs are accepted in either
.gif or .jpg format and audio files in RealAudio (.ram), MP3, or wavefile
(.wav) format and must be included with the submission of the electronic
copy. All contributors are requested to specify any applicable copyright
restrictions if multimedia material is not strictly the copyright of the
author or the public domain.

For more information, please contact the editors at:

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Mon Jan 27 2003 - 16:48:39 EST