CFP: j_spot: Violence and Social Theory (5/15/03; e-journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
M. Michael Schiff
contact email: 

j_spot the Journal of Social and Political Thought

*Call for submissions* for Vol. II, No. 2 . j_spot invites submissions for
"Violent Ends | Violence Ends." Deadline: May 15, 2003.

Call for Submissions for "Violent Ends | Violence Ends"
for an issue of j_spot the Journal of Social and Political Thought

j_spot, the Journal of Social and Political Thought, is pleased to announce a
call for essays and media for an issue entitled "Violent Ends | Violence Ends."
 The editors do not wish to add to the violence done by social theory, or in its
name. For our second issue, we called for "essays that strafe the bodily armour
of critique." Now, in calling for articles on violence and social theory, we
seek to assuage, heal and demystify. Why sacrifice when you can solve? End the
witch hunts. Engender. Heal the hurting. Or, is the question of violence dead?

"Perceive the way of nature and no force of [person] can harm you. Do not meet
a wave head on: avoid it. You do not have to stop force: it is easier to
redirect it. Learn more ways to preserve rather than destroy. Avoid rather
than check. Check rather than hurt. Hurt rather than maim. Maim rather than
kill. For all life is precious nor can any be replaced." [Philip Ahn as Master
Kan, _Kung Fu_, 1972, pilot].

Réné Girard, for example, enthused that justifications of violence, "Once
understood...can no longer operate; we believe less and less in the culpability
of the victims (that) they demand. Deprived of the food that sustains them,
institutions derived from these mechanisms collapse one after the other around
us." Julia Kristeva has critiqued violence and elaborated different ways of
being with others; it may be that the unity of the nation split from within
serves as a cure to reminiscences of national narratives that inflict the
violence of pain and love. For Hannah Arendt, "The more dubious and uncertain
an instrument violence has become in international relations, the more it has
gained in reputation and appeal in domestic affairs, specifically in the matter
of revolution." j_spot invites your thesis on theories of violence and violent

In addition to substantial research papers, we invite creative submissions and
pieces that challenge traditional academic form. Writing that breaks with
traditional academic stasis—including hypertext and graphic-intensive writing—is

n.b..: j_spot always welcomes submissions and book reviews outside specific
issue themes.

Please forward submissions to by May 15, 2003.

* * * * *

j_spot is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed electronic journal focusing on a
wide range of intersections between theory, politics, culture and social
justice. In light of contemporary political and intellectual conditions in late
capitalist society, j_spot aims to expand the space for interdisciplinary
critique, innovation and originality. Already situated in the rapidly evolving
nexus of technologically mediated social and political change--a transformative
nexus which must itself not escape critique--j_spot aims to give free rein to
the crucial, critical energies that aim beyond a deadly acceptance of the status

* * * * *

M. Michael Schiff
Ph.D. Candidate | Graduate Programme in Social & Political Thought
York University | Toronto | Canada

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Received on Mon Jan 27 2003 - 16:45:30 EST