CFP: The Cinema of Tod Browning (12/?/03; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Bernd Herzogenrath

 THE CINEMA OF TOD BROWNING (Collection, 2005)

I am looking for high-quality contributions to a volume on THE CINEMA OF TOD
BROWNING - a major press (Wallflower Press) has already expressed interest
in this project.

Tod Browning has up to this day remained a somewhat un(der)-theorized movie
maker. Also having produced successes such as Dracula (with Bela Lugosi) and
fulminant financial disasters such as Freaks, the impact of his obsession
with the (representation of the) body, its fragmentation and dismemberment,
on the development on Modern Cinema remains to be analyzed. In particular
with reference to much of today's discussion about corporeality and
materiality, about body-images versus 'the body as such,' Browning's movies
seem to provide a crucial focus for these discussions.

This volume invites contributions that deal with Browning's movies from the
combined perspective of film history and - and in particular - of the
ongoing debate about 'the body' - possible approaches here would involve the
theories of Deleuze and Guattari, Judith Butler, Lacanian psychoanalysis,
discussions of the 'body image,' etc.

Since this volume should also serve as both a specialist' compendium and an
introduction to Browning's work, I want to make sure that all of Browning's
movies (also those movies he wrote the script for, such as the Fairbanks
vehicle The Mystery of The Leaping Fish) will be considered.

Submission of the final manuscript and firm decision will be made in late
2005/2006. This leaves much time for producing a high-quality essay for the
volume. Given the fact that so many folks out there are swamped with
deadlines, this relatively long 'production period' might not at all be that
unattractive ...

Proposals/Abstracts should be sent to

Dr. Bernd Herzogenrath

Email: or

First deadline for abstracts: Dec 2003

Contacts/Inquiries/Suggestions can be made at any time ... !!!

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Received on Mon Feb 03 2003 - 17:33:32 EST
