CFP: South Asian Popular Culture (3/10/03; 8/21/03-8/23/03 and journal)
Call for Papers
The Journal of South Asian Popular Culture (Routledge)
announces its first US conference in Fairfield
University, CT.
August 21st to August 23rd, 2003.
*Vandana Shiva and Rajinder K Dudrah: Keynote
*Chandra Talpade Mohanty and Kum Kum Bhavnani: Plenary
Panel *Moderator, Gargi Bhattacharayya.
We invite papers with a specific focus on S. Asia and
its diasporas on topics such as:
1. Religion and/as Violence
2. Globalizing Bollywood Culture
3. Transnational Feminisms: Global Politics of gender
4. The Local meets the Global : the Music scene
5. Sites of desire: Visual art and media
6. Periodical culture: Constructing nation through
diaspora newspapers
7. Activism, Citizenship, and South Asian presence
And, other topics of interest.
Please submit a 500 word abstract by March 10th, 2003
to the US Editor, Dr. Gita Rajan. Send abstract to
All participants will be notified of acceptance by
April 15th, 2003.
We will solicit strong conference papers for
publication in the Journal.
For more information on the Journal, see
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Feb 09 2003 - 19:34:24 EST