CFP: Medieval and Early Modern Medicine (e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Bryon Grigsby

X-posted from SHAKSPER

Medica: The Society for the Study of Health and Healing in the Middle
Ages and Early Modern Periods is proud to announce a new ejournal
available on the web. This journal has both a pre-prints sections, like
some journals in the sciences, and a peer-reviewed section, and it is
currently accepting submissions. Submissions may be on any subject
matter of medieval medicine, health, or healing as well as the
interrelationships between disciplines, such as medieval medicine and
literature, law, politics, or religion. You can find submission
guidelines and other information at We look forward to hearing
from you.

Bryon Grigsby
President of Medica

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Received on Sun Feb 16 2003 - 17:07:42 EST