CFP: Mourning and Memory: South Asia, Africa, & the Middle East (7/1/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Rebecca Saunders
contact email: 

Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East


Call for Papers

"Mourning and Memory"

As multiple communities in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East reel from =
the impact of major traumatic events, it becomes increasingly urgent to =
theorize the significance and politics of remembrance and mourning, =
along with the inevitable social, psychological, and material effects. =
More specifically, it is necessary to investigate what trauma does to =
memory, how mourning helps people deal with such traumas, and how =
remembrance and mourning influence politics, society, and culture. =
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East seeks =
critical essays for a special issue entitled "Mourning and Memory," for =
which we solicit papers exploring themes such as:


  a.. public memory and mourning as instruments of power and authority, =
or resistance and rebellion

  a.. the significance of public mourning to nationalism, identity, =
fundamentalism, gender, or social power dynamics;=20

  a.. the work of truth commissions, human rights tribunals, conflict =
resolution, and reconciliation;

  a.. ways of approaching the traumatic past, genocide, disaster, =
famine; legal and medical responses to recovery and strategies for =

  a.. the role of demoralizations, memorials, and museums; physically =
marked or reinvented spaces (e.g., Palestinian headquarters, Robben =

  a.. traditional and reinvented mourning rituals, lamentations, ways of =

  a.. the role of images in historical recollection; memory and media, =
photography, the internet, etc.

Please submit essays of between 5,000 and 12,000 words (note and =
reference inclusive) by July 1, 2003. Essays should be formatted in =
Chicago style and use the Library of Congress transliteration system for =
Romanization, without diacritical marks. Further formatting information =
is available on our website at <http//>. We =
prefer electronic submissions to Kamran Aghaie ( =
and Rebecca Saunders (, though essays may also be =
submitted in hardcopy to The University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of =
Middle Eastern Studies, 1 University Station #F1500, Austin, TX =
78712-0482. If you have questions you can also call (512) 475-6400 or =
send a FAX to (512) 471-1365. We also welcome relevant books for review =
or proposals for review essays.

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Received on Sun Feb 16 2003 - 17:26:34 EST