CFP: Reappreciating "The Last Temptation of Christ" (1/31/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Middleton, Darren J.N.
contact email: 

2005 is the fiftieth annivesary of the publication (in Greek) of Nikos
Kazantzakis's novel, "The Last Temptation of Christ." Since this time, and
especially after Martin Scorsese's filmic adapatation of the novel in
1988, assessments of this work have ranged from "praiseworthy" to
"blasphemous," according to religious persuasion.

Proposals are invited for a chapter contributions to an essay collection
reappreciating "The Last Temptation of Christ" fifty years on. The
anthology, to be published in 2005, will be divided into two sections, one
part devoted to the novel and one part devoted to the film.

The deadline for submission of chapter proposals (in MS Word, e-mail
attachments, please) is 30 May 2003 (earlier submissions are welcome).

Final papers will be due at the end of January, 2004.

Please direct inquiries to the Editor:

Darren J. N. Middleton, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Religion and Literature
Texas Christian University
TCU Box 298100
Fort Worth, Texas 76129
(817) 257 6445

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Received on Fri Feb 21 2003 - 15:29:50 EST