CFP: African American Confinement Literature (6/1/03; collection)

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This is a call for papers to contribute to a collection on African American
Confinement Literature:

African American Confinement Literature

This is a call for manuscripts on African American Confinement Literature.
African American confinement literature is defined as works—autobiographies,
novels, short stories, and poems—that are set either entirely or partly in a
place of confinement and which tell of African Americans’ experiences with
incarceration. Places of confinement are spaces in which persons are required
by law to reside for a prolonged period of time. The focus of this collection
will be with literature set in American prisons, but comparisons of this
literature with other forms of confinement -- cultural, mental, social, and/or
spiritual are encouraged.

Possible comparisons include:
Slavery as imprisonment
Jim Crow as social confinement
Imprisonment during Civil Rights Movement

Suggested texts:
Richard Wright, _Native Son_
Nathan McCall, _Makes Me Wanna Holler_
Malcolm X, _Autobiography of Malcolm X_
Gayle Jones, _Eva's Man_
Eldridge Cleaver, _Soul on Ice_
Ernest Hill, _A Life for a Life_
Please send brief proposals to Manuscripts of twenty pages
are due no later than June 1, 2002. Please submit by mail or e-mail in MS Word
2000. MLA documentation format required.

Editor: Tara T. Green, Ph.D.
         Department of English
         Southern University
         Baton Rouge, LA 70813
         Fax: 225-771-2015
         Phone: 225-771-2870 ext. 305

--Assistant Professor of EnglishDepartment of EnglishSouthern UniversityBaton Rouge, LA 70813(225) 771-2870 ext. 305"I love myself when I amlaughing...and then again when Iam looking mean and impressive."--Zora! =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Tue Feb 25 2003 - 14:21:26 EST
