CFP: Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness (4/30/03; e-journal)
Call for Papers
Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness
Open Issue (July 2003)
ISSN: 1471-5597
Deadline for submissions is April30, 2003. (Note date change.)
_Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness_ is an interdisciplinary
ejournal which publishes work from academic, professional, vocational,
and religious contexts relating to classifying, defining, and probing
different aspects of evil. It aims to shed light on the origins,
sources, and manifestations of evil as well as on the diverse angles
from which humans can understand, tackle, surmount, or come to terms
with it.
Relevant methodological, theoretical, vocational and practical
approaches are sought to enrich the debate undertaken by this ejournal.
'Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness' aspires to become an
important intellectual venue where the different disciplines and
professions can come together to reflect upon evil and related topics.
Contributions are solicited in the form of articles (under 6000 words),
dialogues, creative pieces, book and media reviews and personal
reflections. Feedback and responses on material published by the journal
are also sought. Submissions in Word, WordPerfect, PD. or RTF formats
are recommended; please see the 'Author Notes' section of the website
for further details. Contributors are urged to avoid unnecessary jargon
and to make their work accessible and intelligible to non-specialists. A
brief biographical
paragraph should accompany each submission. Articles are normally
published in English, but other major languages may exceptionally be
For further details and information, please visit the journal website
at: or contact Rob Fisher at or Salwa Ghaly at
We are also pleased to announce that Issue 2 of PEHW, a special themed
edition on
Terrorism and Evil, is now available at The Contents Page is included
below for your information.
Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness
Table of Contents
Volume 1: No. 2
Terrorism and Evil
Foreword Rob Fisher & Salwa Ghaly
Section Two
Noam Chomsky
The War on Terrorism
Noam Chomsky, 8
Section Three
Long Articles
Terror, Political Theology and the Suspense of the Ethical
Gerard Mannion, 13
The Accidental Terrorist
Jerry Kroth, 39
Terrorism and Just War Theory
Scott C Lowe, 46
Pirates and State Sponsored Terrorism in Eighteenth Century England
Matthew Teorey, 53
Life as Show Time: Aesthetic Images and Ideological Spectacles
Eugene L. Arva, 64
The Changing Meanings of Terrorism
Peter G. Stillman, 81
Section Four:
Short Articles
Reading Paul McHugh: Politics, Psychiatry and the Response to Terror
Jonathan Marshall, 92
Paradigm Bait and Switch
Ryan McGreal, 99
Balance of Terror: The Geopolitics of "Empire" vs. "Jihad"
William H. Thornton, 108
The Good Terror: Zizek's Negative Ethics
Christopher Luebbe, 116
The Nonduality of Good and Evil: Buddhist Reflections on the New
Holy War
David R. Loy, 123
Section Five:
Opinion Pieces
The Road Israel Must Now Take
Sam Bahour, 136
Truth and Reconciliation or Fear and Loathing
Steve Mizrach, 139
Terror is our Common Enemy
Ghassan Abdullah, 145
A Montage of Terror: A Treatment For A Script
Raul Ferrera-Balanquet, 149
Section Six:
Creative Pieces
Texts, Terror, Sent Out on Yom Kippur, 2001
Alan Sondheim, 161
Rock N' Roll Holiday
Rodney Sharkey, 194
Here is What Will Happen
Sebastien Mendler, 202
A Place For Me
Fara Nizamani, 203
Shadows of Truth
Dixie Friend Gay, 207
Section Seven:
Media Reviews
Terrorism in Film
Paul Davies, 209
Peter Day, 212
Patriot Games
Fiona Gibson, 214
Eva Kuttenberg, 216
The Siege
Hermann Krampfl, 219
Mirroring Evil: Nazi Imagery/Recent Art - Special Exhibition at the
Jewish Museum in New York (March 17- June 30, 2002)
Stephen Morris, 221
Section Eight:
Book Reviews
Overview: Book Reviews Section
Susan Robbins, 224
Surviving the Prison Place: Narratives of Suicidal Prisoners
Ed Craven, 227
Deracination: Historicity, Hiroshima, and the Tragic Imperative
Chris McMahon, 230
Chris McMahon, 234
Fables of Responsibility: Aberrations and Predicaments in Ethics and
Chris McMahon, 239
War Crimes and Collective Wrongdoing: A Reader
Bill Wringe 241
Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence
Susan Robbins, 245
In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong
Rania Masri, 247
Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat the International
Terrorist Network
Bill Wringe, 251
Chomsky's 9-11
Victoria M. Abboud, 254
Terrorism and America: A Commonsense Strategy for a Democratic
Brian Glaser, 257
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue Feb 25 2003 - 13:46:59 EST