UPDATE: Radical History Review, "Our Americas" (3/15/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Duane Corpis
contact email: 

Call For Papers for a special issue of RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW (89)

"Our Americas: Political and Cultural Imaginings" eds. Sandhya Shukla and
Heidi Tinsman

The Radical History Review is soliciting scholarship and critical essays
for the thematic issue entitled "Our Americas: Political and Cultural
Imaginings," to appear in Spring, 2004. This issue utilizes the organizing
theme (and problematic) of the "Americas," Jose Martí's utopian vision of
a transnational, multicultural, and anti-imperialist political world. In
moving beyond the bifurcating paradigms of Latin American area studies and
American (US-based) studies, this issue of RHR will examine relationships
among North American, Latin American, Caribbean and other island societies
and cultures, including histories of colonization, slavery, migration,
capitalist development, and nation-state formation.

In particular, we aim to revisit the significance of nationalism as both a
progressive and reactionary force in articulating oppositional projects
such as abolition, anti-colonialism, the non-aligned movement, leftist
revolutions as well as in recent economic and political plans of late
capitalism and their effects. *We are interested in how transnational
formations of diaspora, feminism, sexuality, and class are imbricated in
processes of state-building and regionalism. *This issue of RHR also seeks
to problematize dichotomous black-white constructions of race, since
experiences of Africans, Asians, Native Americans, Spanish descendants,
and mixed peoples have all constructed the social landscape of the

 We welcome a broad and interdisciplinary interpretation of these themes.
Papers on the histories and cultures of Cuba seem particularly pertinent,
as would those on the Philippines and Puerto Rico. We likewise seek works
on the multiple constructions of race, gender, sexuality and radical
politics across the Americas, on US-Latin America relationships, on
transnational intellectual currents, and on film and art. Given the
diverse format of the RHR, we are also interested in shorter pieces on how
to contribute to a teaching curriculum on "the Americas," on public art
and history that strives to come to terms with any of the questions posed
above, and on recent books on this subject. Lastly, we are looking for
scholars interested in commenting on the significance of Jose Martí's
essay "Our America" for a range of political and intellectual projects
(approx. 8-12 page essays).

New deadline for submissions is March 15, 2003.

Send hard-copy manuscripts and your contact information to:

Radical History Review
Tamiment Library
70 Washington Square South
New York, New York *10012

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Sat Mar 08 2003 - 02:22:49 EST
