CFP: Disabilities and LGBTQ Youth (11/1/03; journal)
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education:
An International Quarterly Devoted to Research, Policy, and Practice
Special Feature Section on
Intersections between Disabilities and
LGBTQ Youth and Schools
While a considerable range of research has been generated over the past
two or three decades on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and
questioning (LGBTQ) youth, little attention has focused specifically on
the intersections of sexuality and disability in this population of
young people. The analogy of “Diaspora” can be used in that LGBTQ youth
as well as youth with disabilities often are born into family
constellations where few if any other family members share similarities
in terms of sexual/gender and/or (dis)ability identities. In the extant
literature, a continuum of philosophical analytic paradigms are used to
investigate issues of sexual/gender identities and (dis)ability
identities with the “Medical,” “Deficiency,” or “Deviancy” Models on one
side of the discussion and the “Identity,” “Social,” or “Wellness”
Models on the other.
We welcome articles that address the historical, theoretical, social,
psychological, political, legal, personal, and pedagogical intersections
between physical, mental, emotional, and learning (dis)abilities and
sexual/gender identities in youth and schools.
In this special themed feature of JGLIE, we are interested in articles
that focus on the following issues:
? The social constructions of disabilities and sexual and gender
? Child and adolescent disability and LGBTQ identity formation, and the
context of support systems,
? Body image and LGBTQ youth identity,
? Curriculum theory, development, and practice related to LGBTQ youth
with disabilities,
? Enlarged and expanded conceptualizations of multicultural education
that include disability studies and LGBTQ studies,
? Practitioner-based issues, and innovative and successful strategies
for inclusion of LGBTQ youth with disabilities,
? Educational, legislative, and public policy issues related to LGBTQ
youth with disabilities,
? Connections between representations of LGBTQ youth and youth with
disabilities in cultural media,
? International perspectives of any of the above.
Manuscript length is approximately 20 pages, double-spaced with 12-point
Courier font. For further information on JGLIE or manuscript
requirements, see website at
Please contact Warren J. Blumenfeld for further information regarding
this special themed feature, or submit three hard copies of your paper
by November 1, 2003 to:
Warren J. Blumenfeld
Department of Educational Studies
Colgate University
Hamilton, NY 13346
(315) 228-7042
About the Journal
The mission of the Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education is to
publish research studies, scholarly essays, and practitioner articles
directly related to educational policy, professional practice,
curriculum development, and pedagogy. Studies, essays, and articles
appearing in this international peer-reviewed journal meet the highest
academic standards and reflect conceptually clear and concise writing
devoid of jargon. Contributors to this journal understand their task as
two-fold: disseminate findings/ideas to an intellectually-minded
community; draw implications for these findings/ideas to educational
policy and practice.
Thus, the primary audience is composed of educational practitioners,
policy-makers, and scholars interested in queer-related issues in
elementary, middle, secondary schools and, to a lesser degree, at the
undergraduate level. This includes curriculum directors, state and
federal policy-makers, program administrators, educational researchers
and professors, private foundation directors focusing on youth issues,
school counselors and counseling center administrators, GLBT high school
youth group advisors, teacher educators, and local chapter leaders
related to education such as GLSEN and PFLAG, and academics who conduct
research or produce scholarship within this venue.
The Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education is published
quarterly by Haworth Press both in print and electronically. The
electronic version is provided at no charge to libraries that subscribe
to the “archival” print edition, and each library can share electronic
access with all of the secondary libraries campus-wide or those within a
contiguous area surrounding their local “intranet.” All articles
submitted to the journal will be reviewed and returned to the author
within a maximum of three months. Copyright is transferred to Haworth
SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS at Haworth Press, tel. 1-800-HAWORTH (Outside U.S.,
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Mon Mar 10 2003 - 01:44:30 EST