CFP: Medieval Rhetoric (4/15/03; collection)
> Call for Papers for an essay collection on the arts of
> medieval rhetoric. Papers are invited on any aspect of
> medieval rhetoric as it relates to the theory and
> practice of writing and oratory from 400 to1400 AD.
> Papers may address the following topics: the place of
> rhetoric in both university and non-university
> educational curricula; discoveries of unfamiliar
> rhetoricians or new perspectives on known figures;
> contemporary educational methods and composition
> techniques seen through the lens of medieval education
> and rhetoric; the application of medieval rhetoric as
> a method for understanding literature, politics, and
> theology; definition and scope of medieval rhetoric,
> including the relation between rhetoric and grammar
> (ars poetriae), rhetoric and preaching (ars
> praedicandi), and rhetoric and letter-writing (ars
> dictaminis); and the preservation, transformation, and
> use of Greek and Roman rhetorics and their texts
> during the Middle Ages.
> Please send queries to Richard McNabb
> <> or Clyde Moneyhun
> <> and submit two copies
> of an abstract by 15 April 2003 to Richard McNabb,
> Dept. of English, L.I.U.-C.W. Post campus, Brookville,
> NY 11548.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue Mar 11 2003 - 06:36:34 EST