CFP: Australasian Victorian Studies Journal: Victorian Identities (5/31/03; journal issue)
'Victorian Identities': AVSJ (Australasian Victorian Studies
Journal) Volume 9 for 2003
The AVSJ is an annual interdisciplinary journal. We are now calling
for articles on the theme of 'Victorian Identities' for consideration
by our referees for publication in AVSJ Volume 9 2003. Topics might
* Cultural forms in the construction of identity
* Associations and institutions (e.g., clubs, schools) in the
construction of identity
* Religion and religious practices in the construction of identity
* Science and identity
* Place and identity
* Gendered identities
* Class identities
* National identities
* Imperial and colonial identities
* Fractured and multiple identities.
We do not, however, wish to restrict your interpretation of the
theme, and informative and provocative papers on other topics
relating to the designated theme will be considered.
If you wish to submit a paper please send it to the editors no later
than 31 MAY 2003, keeping the following guidelines in mind.
2 hard copies in laser quality print on A4 white paper
(double-spaced) accompanied by a high-density disk identified by
means of a label stating your name, the title of your paper, the file
name and format in which it is saved. Please send your work on a Mac
formatted disk saved in Microsoft Word 6 or above, or RTF. Please
ensure that the hard copies themselves do not identify the author and
that the disk is scanned for viruses.
We welcome illustrations but they must be presented in the highest
quality reproduction available. Black-and-white line drawings may be
submitted in high resolution photocopies; photographs or slides of
paintings should be of high quality production such as those supplied
by art galleries. Contributors are responsible for ensuring
copyright clearance.
Your work should conform to the latest MLA style guide, using
parenthetical documentation with a list of "Works Cited" and minimal
footnotes; quotes of less than four lines should be enclosed within
double inverted commas (") and be kept within the body of the text;
single inverted commas (') should be used for quotes within quotes;
quotes of over four lines should be indented with no inverted commas.
Submissions that do not conform to MLA style will be returned for
Note that the "Works Cited" should reference only those works that
have been specifically referred to by page number in your text; we do
not require lists of books that you have consulted but not quoted.
7000 words.
A short biographical note (no more than three or four lines) should
accompany your submission. Please include your full mailing address,
email address and phone number.
Please send to:
The Editors
School of English, Communication and Theatre
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
Robert Dingley, Elizabeth Hale, Jennifer McDonell and Cathy Waters
Editors, AVSJ
--Dr Elizabeth HaleLecturer in EnglishSchool of English, Communication and TheatreUniversity of New EnglandArmidale, NSW 61-2-6773-2356 =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Wed Mar 12 2003 - 00:30:38 EST