CFP: Culture, Language and Representation (6/15/03; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Jose Ramon Prado Perez
contact email: 

The Department of Modern Languages at Jaume I University, Castellón, Spain,
is launching a new academic Journal, Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación
(Culture, Language and Representation). This yearly publication will be
dedicated to the exploration of the ideological implications in the
representation of culture from the theoretical perspective of Cultural

The first issue will deal with the topic of "Intercultural Representation"
in any of its social contexts (artistic, literary, social, political,
historical, educational, linguistic, etc.) and will be focused on,
following Stuart Hall, how intercultural manifestations negotiate and
hybridise hegemonic cultural models, creating new forms of self-expression
and opposition.

The publishing date for the Journal is September 2003.

Suggested topics for exploration in connection with the phenomenon of
interculturalism would be:
- Ideology and representation in intercultural contexts
- Popular culture, subcultures and countercultures
- Cultural diversity and cultural peripheries
- The practices of everyday life as modes of subversion
- Processes of cultural opposition: hybridisation, carnival, etc.
- Symbolic representations of culture through the arts

Contributions that analyse the topic of "Intercultural Representation" from
other approaches are also encouraged.

Deadline for submissions is 15 June 2003.

Articles may be written in English or Spanish and should follow the
Guidelines for Publication included in the attached document. Please
contact Jose R. Prado (e-mail. for the Guidelines for

Please, send two hardcopies of your contribution and a diskette for PC
(WORD or RTF document) to the following address:

José Ramón Prado Pérez
Revista Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación
Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Románica
Campus Riu Sec, Universitat Jaume I
12071 Castellón

For any further information you may contact:
José Ramón Prado Pérez, e-mail.; tel. +34 964 729616 /
José Luis Blas Arroyo, e-mail.; tel. +34 964 729625

Dr. Jose R. Prado
Campus Riu Sec
Universidad Jaume I
12071 Castellon
Tel. +34 964 729532
Office: +34 964 729616
Fax. +34 964 729348

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Received on Tue Mar 11 2003 - 21:41:43 EST