CFP: Rhetorics of Medicine and Curing (5/31/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
J. David Hester

Queen: a journal of rhetoric and power is soliciting papers for a new
volume dedicated to exploring the rhetorics of medicine and curing.
Deadline for submissions will be 31 May 2003, and must include full
text and abstract.

The editors invite submissions of essays focusing upon the rhetorical
practices used in medicine. If we understand medicine as one social
construct of a variety of possible curative practices, we can begin to
ask questions concerning the overall function, purpose and goal of
these systems of curing. What values, assumptions, judgments shape
medical practices? How is medical knowledge shaped? What role does
medicine play in a society? What is the relationship between community
and individual in the medical encounter? What constitutes health?
What constitutes illness? What is curing? What rhetorical features
(narrative, argumentation, audiences, contexts) can be identified as
determining and shaping knowledge about people, medicine and health?
How have these rhetorical practices changed over time? How do they
differ between cultures? Are miracles medical? Exorcisms?

Other questions to be pondered could and should approach the curative
encounter from the patient perspective: How do patients contribute to
the encounter? What assumptions do they bring? What are their
experiences? How do they shape them and share them? What influences
does their rhetoric of healing bring to medical practices? How has the
role of patient changed over time?

We invite scholars from the field of medical ethics, bioethics,
rhetoric of science, anthropology, culture criticism, literature, and
history of medicine to submit traditional academic analyses, reports,
first-person narratives, multi-media presentations, and we encourage
submissions that take the fullest advantage of our publishing medium.

The issue is not limited to any one time period or any particular
culture, but can include, for example, analyses of ancient healing
rituals in classical antiquity, religious miracles traditions,
christian science, modern medical research rhetorics. Historical and
cross cultural perspectives are also welcome.

Because Queen is an online journal, we are especially interested in
proposals that will take advantage of multimedia and hypertext formats.
We accept standard academically formatted essays, but we also encourage
all other communication modes and genres.

Submissions (electronic only) should include:

1) a brief abstract of the proposed submission;
2) relevant professional/personal information;
3) means by which to contact you;
4) if possible, include the full work and send it in RTF format


5) photographs should be sent as JPEGs, or, preferably, as links to a
portfolio site;
6) photographic submissions should also include a brief abstract of the
artwork, essay, video, etc.


If accepted, you will be asked to submit a photo of yourself and a
brief blurb about yourself. See our website and journal for examples.

Queen seeks to rejuvenate rhetoric studies, gender studies,
culture-historical studies, and religious studies by experimenting with
cross-inter-sections of these disciplines. Queen seeks to explore the
ways in which power shapes people and people shape power. Direct all
inquiries, proposals, and completed work to or

- Erika Olbricht
- David Hester
Founding Editors, Queen

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Received on Wed Mar 12 2003 - 00:59:02 EST
