CFP: Film Studies - Books for Review (e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Lincoln Geraghty

Scope, a fully refereed on-line journal of film studies edited by staff =
and postgraduate students within the institute of Film Studies at the =
University of Nottingham, is looking for reviewers to write 800 word =
reviews on the following books to be included in forthcoming issues.=20
If you are interested in any of the books and want to review one or =
perhaps two or three together to make a review essay then please send your =
details including academic affiliation (PhD student, lecturer, etc.), =
interests (eg. Hollywood film), and mailing address to:=20
Lincoln Geraghty, Book Review Editor
Once contact has been made and deadline agreed Scope will send the book =
along with deadline and style guidelines. The books are as follows:
Babington, Bruce, _Launder and Gilliat_, Manchester University Press.
Braddock, Jeremy, and Stephen Hock, eds., _Directed by Allen Smithee_, =
Minnesota University Press.
Celli, Carlo, _The Divine Comic: The Cinema of Roberto Benigni_, Scarecrow =
Colt, Livier, _David Ehrlich: Citizen of the World_, Dreamland.
Dardis, _Tom, Buster Keaton: The Man Who Wouldn't Lie Down_, University of =
Minnesota Press.
Elefthaeriotis, Dimitris, _Popular Cinemas of Europe: Studies of Texts, =
Contexts and Frameworks_, Continuum.
Foster, David William, _Mexico City in Contemporary Mexican Cinema_, =
University of Texas Press.
Gates, Tudor, _Scenario: The Craft of Screenwriting_, Wallflower Press.
Gibbons, Luke, _The Quite Man_, Cork University Press.

Gocic, Goran, _The Cinema of Emir Kusturica: Notes from the Underground_, =
Wallflower Press.
Gopalan, Lalitha, _Cinema of Interruptions: Action Genres in Contemporary =
Indian Cinema_, BFI.
Graf, Alexander, _The Cinema of Wim Wenders_, Wallflower Press.

Harrison, Jackie, _Terrestrial TV News in Britain: The Culture of =
Production_, University of Manchester Press.
Herr, Cheryl, _The Field_, Cork University Press.
Higson, Andrew, ed., _Young and Innocent? The Cinema in Britain, 1896-1930_=
, University of Exeter Press.

Iordanova, Dina, _Emir Kusturica_, BFI.
Jayamanne, Laleen, _Towards Cinema and Its Double: Cross Cultural =
Mimesis_, Indiana University Press.

Kochberg, Searle, ed., _Introduction to Documentary Production: A Guide =
for Media Students_, Wallflower Press.
Lay, Samantha, _British Social Realism: From Documentary to Brit Grit_, =
Wallflower Press.
Le Grice, Malcolm, _Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age_, BFI.
Leigh, Jacob, _The Cinema of Ken Loach: Art in the Service of the People_, =
Wallflower Press.

Loshitzky, Yosefa, _Identity Politics on the Israeli Screen_, University =
of Texas Press.
Marcus, Millicent, _After Fellini: National Cinema in the Postmodern Age_, =
Johns Hopkins University Press.
Marks, Laura U., _The Skin of the Film: Intercultural Cinema, Embodiment, =
and the Senses_, Duke University Press.

Powrie, Phil, _Jean-Jacques Beineix_, Manchester University Press.
Restivo, Angelo, _The Cinema of Economic Miracles: Visuality and Modernizat=
ion in the Italian Art Film_, Duke University Press.

Sheeran, Patrick F., _The Informer_, Cork University Press.
Smith, Craig, _The Whisper of Leaves_, Southern Illinois University =

Tapper, Richard, ed., _The New Iranian Cinema: Politics, Representation =
and Identity_, I.B. Tauris.
Thank you for your interest.
Lincoln Geraghty
Book Review Editor
Scope: An On-line Journal of Film Studies
Insitute of Film Studies
School of American and Canadian Studies
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD
United Kingdom

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Received on Wed Mar 12 2003 - 23:58:20 EST