CFP: Post-colonial Interdisciplinarity (8/31/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Liam Connell
contact email: 

Post-colonial Interdisciplinarity

Literary post-colonialism has always depended upon other disciplinary
models for its analysis. Many of its key theoretical texts seem to draw
their main strength from the discourses of politics, the social sciences,
or philosophy, and often address the formal characteristics of writing only
in passing. Nevertheless, the extent to which they address the concerns of
these other disciplines, rather than serving the interests textual
description, remains a matter for debate. For some critics
post-colonialism's concern with extra-literary political questions is
pursued to the detriment of close textual analysis. Yet many others have
argued that post-colonialism displays an excessive concern over textuality
and complain that, in its effort to employ the observations of other
disciplines to produce general theories of literary production,
post-colonialism risks losing the potential for critique that these
observations contain.

Among the questions that are prompted by such debates are:

-- How is far an interdisciplinary approach a necessary feature of a
post-colonial analysis?
-- To what extent does interdisciplinarity permit or constrain the
negotiation between post-colonialism's political and textual concerns?
-- How can growing concerns over globalisation be addressed as a
literary phenomenon without recourse to the languages of economics or politics?
-- What are the models of the political that are produced or implied
by post-colonial analysis?
-- How far are the concerns about interdisciplinarity particular to
post-colonialism rather than concerns about literary theory and general
developments in literary studies?

_Critical Survey_ is seeking to publish an issue that addresses these
concerns. Papers, of between 5,000 and 7,000 words, should either examine
the way that post-colonialism incorporates the language and techniques of
other disciplines or demonstrate a post-colonial textual analysis which is
indebted to an interdisciplinary approach. Papers should be sent to Liam
Connell ( by August 31st 2003.

_Critical Survey_ is a refereed journal published three times a year. It
addresses central issues of critical practice and literary theory.


Dr Liam Connell
Department of Humanities
University of Hertfordshire
Wall Hall
Watford Campus
WD25 8AT

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Received on Wed Mar 12 2003 - 23:53:37 EST