CFP: Whiteness and Black Masculinity (4/7/03; MMLA, 11/7/03-11/9/03 & possible collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Betina Entzminger
contact email: 

"Whiteness and Black Masculinity." Some might argue that the subject of
literature (as practiced in the West) has always been white and male;
however, by arriving at whiteness studies through multiculturalism and
postcolonialism, and arriving at masculinity studies through feminism and
queer theory, it is possible to reexamine the construction of both
whiteness and masculinity in such a way that confronts their aura of
homogeneity and problematizes what had for so long been presented as

This panel will examine the role that whiteness and masculinity play in
the construction of the black male in American literature and the anxiety
both produce in him. In African American Literature, is a confrontation
with whiteness necessary to the reclamation of masculinity? Abstracts to
Betina Entzminger and Michael Hardin, English, Bloomsburg University,
Bloomsburg, PA 17815, or by April 7,

Dr. Betina Entzminger
Assistant Professor of English
Assistant Director of Frederick Douglass Institute
110B Bakeless
Bloomsburg University
Bloomsburg, PA 17815

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Received on Thu Mar 13 2003 - 00:07:24 EST
