CFP: Small Worlds, Big Worlds, Other Worlds (5/20/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
brad tabas
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Ampersand: The Journal of the Department of Comparative Literature at NYU


Small Worlds, Large Worlds, Other Worlds...

New worlds, old worlds, third worlds, first worlds, art worlds, Disney
worlds, wide worlds, monadic worlds, multiple worlds, possible worlds,
language worlds-- all worlds. Does not each language constitute a separate
vision of the world? Is literature anything but a depiction or evocation of
some world? Is the political anything but a statement on how the spatial
and material world ought to be controlled, divided, described, inscribed?
Can we truly say that philosophy is not, at heart, an attempt to understand
and express the world? Is ethics ever anything but an attempt to understand
what to do in the world? Can we not think of history as a narrative of men
and women imposing their visions of the world upon the world itself? Beyond
literature, beyond nations, beyond theory, beyond language, beyond history,
there is world. Yet the concept of world is a problem on all of these
levels—a source of conflict in all of these worlds.

Broadly speaking, Ampersand is looking for papers on the subject of world.
Submitters are welcome to construe world as empire, world as globalization,
to understand world as a question of space, to envision it in terms of
middle passages, discoveries of new worlds, assimilation and hybridization.
Theories of world, histories involving the discoveries of worlds, stories
treating events altering the world, all involve the expression of world.
Minor worlds are as welcome as major worlds, possible worlds, impossible
worlds, heterotopias, and utopias, all are welcome. It is your world.

Submissions due by May 20, 2003

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Received on Thu Mar 20 2003 - 17:30:04 EST