CFP: Iraq War Culture (4/4/03; e-journal issue)
Emergency Call for Papers: Iraq War Culture
Bad Subjects( calls for essays for an Extra Bad! issue
on the culture of the Iraq War. This is an unscheduled issue that responds
to the immediate US invasion of Iraq and the massive global anti-war
movement in opposition. The deadline for draft essays will be Friday, April
4 and the issue will appear on Monday, April 7, 2003.
We will be especially interested in essays that report and analyze global
anti-war protests; global challenges to US political and cultural
hegemonism; anti-Americanism, anti-imperialism and anti-globalization; the
effects of the Iraq War and counter-protests on US culture and its
international marketing; comparative historic American violences and their
manifestations in the current war; critiques of mutually reinforcing
religious and military cultures in the United States; political repression
and loss of civil rights, in the US and globally; the rise of Homeland
Security ideologies; mass communication and the commodification of social
fear; CNN and the high-tech battlefield; representation of Arab peoples;
cultural and artistic responses to the war; and the Dixie Chicks story.
The issue editors welcome a diverse international range of perspectives, and
will review and publish Spanish, French, German or Portuguese submissions in
the original (200-250 word English summary requested). Send Word
attachments with full texts only - no abstracts or queries - to Bad Subjects essays typically run 2000-3500 words and
employ accessible language.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Mar 23 2003 - 16:06:47 EST