CFP: Transgressing the Frontier: Modernity, American Ideology, and Cinema (8/16/03; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Bennett Huffman

Original essays are invited for a collection tentatively entitled
"Transgressing the Frontier: Modernity, American Ideology, and Cinema."
The purpose of this book is to explore the role of ideology in current
film works with an emphasis on boundary breaking and exploration from a
variety of scholarly approaches and perspectives. Ideally this collection
will be a comprehensive introductory textbook that explores the critical
intersection between film and culture and will be suitable for use at both
undergraduate and graduate levels.

Possible topics include studies of how film has responded to historical
events (The End of the Cold War, Disease and Sexuality, Politics),
oppression (Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, "Youth," Globalization), and
aspects of Love, Hate, Sexuality, and Death. What has been brought to the
public discussion about these concerns through film? What is the context
within which film responds? Has film changed the discussion? Papers that
explore concepts of the American West in particular, as in the Western
film genre, but also space travel as the new or "final" frontier, and
transgression of personal boundary exploration as frontier are
particularly welcome. We would like to see essays on American film or
foreign film about America, especially films from the past ten years.

Studies of Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Class, Sexuality, and Media are
encouraged. Any number of methodological approaches are appropriate and
not limited to: Film Studies, Feminism, Marxism, Post-colonial Studies,
Sociology, Literary Analysis, Anthropology, Ethnography, Culture Studies,
Historical Analysis, Psychology, Theater and Performance Studies, Genre,

Please submit completed manuscripts (MLA or Chicago style, 20-25 pages in
length) with 250 word abstracts to <>.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at the
above email addresses.

The deadline for submission of completed papers is August 16th, 2003.

This collection co-edited by Bennett Huffman and Elliot Atkins.

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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Apr 02 2003 - 13:13:29 EST
