CFP: EnterText: Animation (11/1/03; e-journal issue)

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**************************** ENTERTEXT *******************************

An interactive interdisciplinary e-journal for
cultural and historical studies and creative work

EnterText 4.1: Animation

This special issue on animation focuses on, but is by no means
limited to:

- Historical and contextual studies of specific animators or
animated films, traditions or styles

- Explorations of how new technologies are changing our
perception of animation as a distinct object or set of practices

- The convergence between live action and animated forms

- Animation and spectatorship

- Critical reflection by animation practitioners on their own
work, or the work of others (essays may be illustrated by animation
clips or still images, so there is an opportunity for contributors to
explore `annotated' work)

Note: EnterText welcomes the submission of creative work. Stand-alone
animation work will also be considered for inclusion, within the
capabilities of the online journal forum. Scripts, work-in-progress
and other projects will also be considered.

For more information about EnterText, notes for contributors, and
previous editions, go to

Deadline for submissions: 1st November 2003.

Submissions accepted ongoingly up to this date.
After 1st November, final selections and peer-review process begins.

Final edition of journal scheduled for April 2004

If you have a question about a potential submission, please contact
the edition Editor, Paul Ward [details below]

Paul Ward
Lecturer in Film and Television Studies
Brunel University
Uxbridge UB8 3PH

Visit my webpage: Paul Ward/FTV
Go and visit: Rio Cinema

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Received on Mon Apr 07 2003 - 18:38:07 EDT