CFP: World History/Radical History (9/1/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Duane Corpis
contact email: 

Radical History Review invites submissions for a forthcoming thematic issue devoted to "World History/Radical History."Ê World history is no longer the province of a few expert practitioners of large-scale and long-term history.Ê This rapidly growing field of research and teaching offers a complex terrain for radical historians.Ê Our issue is inspired by the following questions: Is world history the new historical commonsense of our "age of globalization"?Ê Or does it encompass dissenting transnational, postcolonial, diasporic, subaltern, and indigenous perspectives that challenge discourses of "westernization" and the "clash of civilizations"?Ê Given a shared interest in worlds (un)made by capitalism and colonialism, what is the disciplinary and political relationship between world history and radical history?Ê What can radical historians, from labor history to queer history, learn from engaging with world history?Ê What possibilities does a dialogue between world history and radical history open up, in the
 way we frame our research, narrate our stories, and teach our subjects?Ê How can we infuse radical understandings of world history into our scholarly and political work for social movements and oppressed communities inexorably shaped by global and "glocal" processes?
We seek a variety of submissions that explore these questions, empirically and theoretically:
* exemplary case histories, particularly those that integrate the local and the global, are interactive rather than simply comparative, or flow from multi-sited or collaborative research
* historiographical and methodological discussions of the encounter between world history and radical history
* experimental essays, particularly those that include visual or creative elements
We define radical history in broad and pluralistic terms.Ê We welcome submissions from activists as well as academics, from persons located outside as well as inside North America, from workers in the secondary as well as higher education sector, and from historically-minded scholars in other disciplinary settings.
The deadline for submissions is 1 September 2003.Ê Submissions should be no longer than 25-30 double-spaced pages and should be sent to Duane J. Corpis and Ian C. Fletcher, Department of History, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 4117, Atlanta GA 30302-4117 USA.Ê Please send preliminary e-mail inquiries to <>.

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Received on Mon Apr 07 2003 - 18:25:17 EDT