
displaying 1 - 15 of 18

CFP: Dubliners (6/1/03; collection)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:33am

Deadline Extended

Call for submissions: ŒDubliners¹ Centenary

To celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the writing of Joyce¹s
ŒDubliners¹, submissions are sought for two proposed volumes.

CFP: Contemporary British Detective Fiction (5/15/03; collection)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:20am
Julie H. Kim

Murder and the Other: Investigating Racial and Religious Otherness in =
Contemporary British Detective Fiction

I am inviting submissions of scholarly/critical articles for a proposed =
volume about detective fiction set in contemporary England (post 1980) =
in which issues involving racial or religious other is a prominent =

Most of the articles should concentrate on mainstream British detective =
fiction dealing with either race or religion, but some other related =
directions include:

CFP: Documentary in England, 1930-1960 (6/27/03; essay collection)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:19am

The English Eye/I: Documentary in England, 1930-1960

This essay collection will examine the relationships between documentary
writing/film and art, forms of representation, culture, and national identity.
Possible topics may include:

CFP: Documentary in England, 1930-1960 (6/27/03; essay collection)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:19am

The English Eye/I: Documentary in England, 1930-1960

This essay collection will examine the relationships between documentary
writing/film and art, forms of representation, culture, and national identity.
Possible topics may include:

CFP: Adapting to a New Student Population (5/1/03; e-journal issue)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:16am
Dr. Tina Kazan

On the Road Again: Adapting to a New Student Population
Lore: An E-journal for Teachers of Writing
Being Adjuncts, Summer, 2003, Issue
Deadline: May 1

Lore: An E-journal for Teachers of Writing, is an online forum edited by TAs,
adjuncts, assistant professors, and others charged with the teaching of first-
year composition, and it is published by Bedford/St. Martin's Press. It can
be found at http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/lore/.

CFP: James Joyce (6/30/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:16am
G.R. Taneja

Contributions are invited for a special issue devoted to James Joyce.
Contributions may deal with any aspect of Joyce studies. All submissions to
_In-between_ are peer-reviewed.

Articles must not be longer than six thousand words, and must conform to the
MLA style sheet, fifth edition. In-between prefers single quotation marks,
outside punctuation, and auto-generated footnotes. A bibliography may be
attached at the end of the text of the essay.

CFP: AEQ: Social Awareness and the Writing Classroom (4/30/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:16am
Natalie Friedman

In recent years, schools and communities across America have experienced
crises with increasing frequency. These events<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; take a
variety of forms, ranging from tragedies within the school to occurrences
outside of the classroom that directly affect the school community. While
schools have historically responded to all manner of tragedies, the
growing complexity and severity of contemporary crises raise a unique set
of issues for instructors to confront. Besides the most evident recent
tragedy concerning the terrorist attacks on the World Trade towers,
communities are facing student violence, school shootings, teacher and

CFP: English, Scottish, Welsh Theatre 1860-1940 (9/1/03; encyclopedia)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:16am
Kerry Moore

An Invitation to Students and Scholars of the British Theatre

from Kerry Moore, Editorial Advisor

Grolier is planning the publication of the Encyclopedia of Modern Drama,
edited by Gabrielle H. Cody and Evert Sprinchorn of Vassar College. This
four-volume set will offer a total of one million words on a variety of
topics ranging from Ibsen to the present, and the target audience consists
of college students, high school students and general readers. Following
is an elaboration from the general editors:

CFP: English, Scottish, Welsh Theatre 1860-1940 (9/1/03; encyclopedia)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:16am
Kerry Moore

An Invitation to Students and Scholars of the British Theatre

from Kerry Moore, Editorial Advisor

Grolier is planning the publication of the Encyclopedia of Modern Drama,
edited by Gabrielle H. Cody and Evert Sprinchorn of Vassar College. This
four-volume set will offer a total of one million words on a variety of
topics ranging from Ibsen to the present, and the target audience consists
of college students, high school students and general readers. Following
is an elaboration from the general editors:

CFP: English, Scottish, Welsh Theatre 1860-1940 (9/1/03; encyclopedia)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:16am
Kerry Moore

An Invitation to Students and Scholars of the British Theatre

from Kerry Moore, Editorial Advisor

Grolier is planning the publication of the Encyclopedia of Modern Drama,
edited by Gabrielle H. Cody and Evert Sprinchorn of Vassar College. This
four-volume set will offer a total of one million words on a variety of
topics ranging from Ibsen to the present, and the target audience consists
of college students, high school students and general readers. Following
is an elaboration from the general editors:

CFP: English, Scottish, Welsh Theatre 1860-1940 (9/1/03; encyclopedia)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:16am
Kerry Moore

An Invitation to Students and Scholars of the British Theatre

from Kerry Moore, Editorial Advisor

Grolier is planning the publication of the Encyclopedia of Modern Drama,
edited by Gabrielle H. Cody and Evert Sprinchorn of Vassar College. This
four-volume set will offer a total of one million words on a variety of
topics ranging from Ibsen to the present, and the target audience consists
of college students, high school students and general readers. Following
is an elaboration from the general editors:

CFP: Doris Lessing on Aging (7/1/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:16am
Josna Rege

CFP: Doris Lessing on Aging (7/1/03; journal issue)

Perspectives on aging in Doris Lessing's fiction for "Coming to Age," a special
issue of Doris Lessing Studies, the journal of the Doris Lessing Society.
Submissions must be no more than ten pages, typed double-spaced, formatted
according to MLA guidelines, and accompanied by a electronic copy on computer
disk. Ten-page essays by July 1st, 2003 to Ruth Saxton (rsaxton_at_mills.edu) and
Josna Rege (josna.rege_at_dartmouth.edu).

CFP: Films of Amos Gitai (6/30/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 2:16am
Julian Vigo

Call for Papers

Special Issue «Le Cinéma d'Amos Gitaï»
Director of CinémAction: Guy Hennebelle
Editor for this issue: Lucie Dugas

Deadline for Submissions: June 30, 2003.
