CFP: Catalysts and Aftermaths in Contemporary Culture, Theory, and Criticism (Australia) (grad) (5/9/03 & 7/11/03; 6/27/03 &
antiTHESIS: "fuse"
Call for Papers
antiTHESIS, one of Australia's longest-running postgraduate
interdisciplinary journals, now invites contributions for the first
antiTHESIS Postgraduate Symposium and for Volume 14 (2004), both entitled
antiTHESIS aims to identify and examine manifestations of "fuse" in
catalysts and aftermaths of change. Both symposium and journal will explore
the forces—cultural, historical, political, theoretical, supernatural or
other—that affect the direction, magnitude, and explosiveness of these
transitions, as well as the states or situations that result. All fusions,
diffusions, and confusions of ideas, things, and people are of interest, as
is the manner in which they interact to infuse, transfuse, or defuse one
another and their environments.
Responses may examine this theme in the context of any discipline, and may
be critical or creative in nature—this includes essays, fiction, poetry,
and fictocriticism, as well as photographs and other visual pieces. The
following topics represent possible interpretations of "fuse" and are meant
to motivate, not limit, your thinking:
- forces that define, fracture, or extend individual or collective sense of
place and/or space
- uses of terror and their consequences
- expressions of violence in, on, and by texts and their authors
- new ideas that revolutionise and invigorate theoretical debate
- precursors and outcomes of explosive splits in ideology
- resolution of conflict that prevents the splintering of nations or other
- factors that obfuscate identity (national, personal, sexual, gender) or
the process by which these issues are made clear
Though they share a single theme, the symposium and journal are separate
entities with different deadlines and submission requirements. You must
make separate submissions to be eligible for both.
antiTHESIS Postgraduate Symposium
The antiTHESIS Postgraduate Symposium will be held on the morning and
afternoon of Friday 27 June 2003 on the University of Melbourne's Parkville
campus. Papers are limited to 20 minutes in duration. Submit only a
300-word abstract in electronic OR hard copy format. Electronic copies must
be in Microsoft Word format and may be submitted via e-mail, CD, or
PC-formatted disk.
Abstracts must be received by Friday 9 May 2003.
antiTHESIS volume 14 (2004)
Papers must be no more than 6000 words in length and conform to MLA style
guidelines (available online at
<>). All
submissions must consist of one electronic copy AND three hard copies of
the complete paper. Electronic copies must be in Microsoft Word format and
may be submitted via e-mail, CD, or PC-formatted disk.
Visual pieces, including original cover art designed for a 150 mm x 210 mm
space, are also welcome. Preliminary submissions may be made via e-mail and
must include a 72- or 75-dpi jpeg image, the title of the work, and the
artist's contact information. Upon selection, we will require a
print-quality image on CD or PC-formatted disk and a signed letter or
release form giving permission for its use by antiTHESIS.
Papers and visual pieces must be received by Friday 11 July 2003.
While symposium participation is neither a prerequisite for nor a guarantee
of selection for publication in the journal, contributors are encouraged to
take advantage of the benefits of participation in both antiTHESIS forums.
The symposium provides a venue for postgraduates from various disciplines
to meet and discuss their work with peers who share their academic
interests. The debate and feedback generated by a symposium presentation
will inevitably produce ideas that can be incorporated into the paper
before it is submitted for publication.
Please address queries and submissions to:
Department of English with Cultural Studies
University of Melbourne
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue Apr 15 2003 - 22:31:17 EDT