CFP: Contemporary British Detective Fiction (5/15/03; collection)
Murder and the Other: Investigating Racial and Religious Otherness in =
Contemporary British Detective Fiction
I am inviting submissions of scholarly/critical articles for a proposed =
volume about detective fiction set in contemporary England (post 1980) =
in which issues involving racial or religious other is a prominent =
Most of the articles should concentrate on mainstream British detective =
fiction dealing with either race or religion, but some other related =
directions include:
--essays which compare the way U.S. and British detective novels deal =
with these same issues of race and religion
--essays which compare contemporary and earlier British crime fiction =
(ie, from Golden Age of Detective Fiction) on these issues
--essays which might study the intersection of racial and religious =
otherness with additional types of marginalization (gender, class, =
sexual orientation, etc.)
--essays which compare popular writers/series (ie, P.D. James, Ruth =
Rendell, etc.) with other, less mainstream, authors in their treatment =
of these themes
Please submit detailed abstracts (300-500 words) along with cv's (both =
can be electronically submitted or sent by mail) by May 15 so that I can =
then approach presses with possible table of contents, etc.
Please email me at or send by regular mail to:
Julie H. Kim
Associate Professor
English Department
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 N. Saint Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue Apr 15 2003 - 22:20:28 EDT