CFP: England and Iberia, 12th c.-15th c. (7/31/03; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Bullon-Fernandez, Maria
contact email: 


England and the Iberian Peninsula in the Late Middle Ages

I am seeking contributions for an interdisciplinary collection of essays on
England and the Iberian Peninsula in the 12th-15th centuries. Essays will
explore the literary, cultural, political, and historical relationships
between the English kingdom, on the one hand, and the Castilian, Aragonese,
Navarrese and Portuguese kingdoms, on the other. They may investigate
crosscultural influences; literary representations of Spanish or Portuguese
culture in English culture and vice versa; dynastic relationships, such as
the Lancastrian attempt to claim the throne of Castile; trade and economic
relationships, religious interactions, e.g., through pilgrimage routes, etc.
The collection will preferably include essays that are written from a
variety of theoretical perspectives. Please send any inquiries to María
Bullón-Fernández at

Deadline: July, 31, 2003. Send 1-3 pp. abstract plus brief vita to e-mail
address above or via regular mail to:
Maria Bullon-Fernandez
English Department
Seattle University
900 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98122

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Received on Tue Apr 29 2003 - 18:11:24 EDT
