CFP: American Science Fiction/Fantasy Writers, 1900-1950 (3/1/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
F. Brett Cox
contact email: 

I am seeking contributors for _20th Century American Science Fiction
and Fantasy Writers, 1900-1950_, the first volume of a
revision/expansion of the previous _Dictionary of Literary Biography_
volumes on the topic. The following entries are available:

Stephen Vincent Benet
Robert Bloch
Nelson S. Bond
James Branch Cabell
Hugh B. Cave
Robert W. Chambers
August Derleth
Ralph Milne Farley
Charles G. Finney
L. Ron Hubbard
Carl Jacobi
David H. Keller
Frank Belnap Long
Robert A.W. Lowndes
A. Merritt
John Meyers Meyers
Fletcher Pratt
E. Hoffman Price
Ross Rocklynne
Thorne Smith
Donald Wandrei
Manly Wade Wellman
Philip Wylie

Entires will range from 3000-6000 words. Contributors will receive a
small honorarium and a copy of the volume. DLB entries should offer a
chronological overview of the author's life and works and should be
written for a nonspecialist audience.

CFP's for subsequent volumes in the series will be posted soon.

Send queries, including a brief CV, to F. Brett Cox, Ph.D., Department.
of English and Communications, Norwich University, 158 Harmon Drive,
Northfield, VT 05663-1035, Email queries welcome.
Deadline for completed entries: March 1, 2004.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sat May 03 2003 - 00:39:26 EDT
