CFP: M/C Journal 'fibre' issue (6/23/03; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
M/C - Media and Culture
contact email: 


                          M/C - Media and Culture
            is calling for contributors to the 'fibre' issue of

                                M/C Journal

The award-winning M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a
crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
peer-reviewed journal.

To see what M/C Journal is all about, check out our Website, which contains
all the issues released so far, at <>. To
find out how and in what format to contribute your work, visit

    Call for Papers: 'fibre' - a collaboration with :: fibreculture ::

FIBRE is the tension between material and abstract. It names a tissue
composed of threads, but it also denotes 'roughage' - something that can't
be broken down any further - a dietary connotation for both body and mind;
and a moral association - integrity or backbone. FIBRE is where flows meet

The strength and properties of invisible connections will determine the
cohesion or resistance of FIBRE, and its wider fabrics - economic, social,
cultural. The connective tissue rearranges geographies, re-wiring the
categories of urban and regional, of global and local. Information reaches
the speed of light - but it meets resistance nonetheless, in the fibre and
the fabric.

As the filaments are invested with value they also become a new political
terrain to be fought over, where control, ownership, and dominance are up
for grabs. FIBRE is a fulcrum of post-industrial economic change, where
public utility gives way to private corporation, where citizen is re-cast
as shareholder, customer, end-user. And yet, only 3% of global network
capacity is being used. In 'dark fibre' lies the potential energy of
networked multitudes.

** The editors of this special ::fibreculture:: edition of M/C Journal are
seeking papers that take up the philosophy, politics and cultures of
networks. Suggested topics include:

. politics of bandwidth and access, broadband policy, Telstra, etc
. the problematics of 'content' in digital media;
. wired-writing - email, listserves, threads and weblogs;
. P2P and other alternative forms of exchange;
. theorisations of 'platform' and convergence in cultural production;
. info-merciality and info-tainment;
. sub-cultural and counter-cultural access to fibre; 'war-chalking';
. micro-politics and community networking, weaving local fabrics;
. impact of the dotcom crash; loss of collective 'web' imaginary;
. fibre-dreaming; philosophies of fibre; digital materiality;
. archaeologies of networks, from copper to photonics;
. from PC to wireless and mobile technologies, a cultural shift?
. network space-time in old and new media; TV after the Net;

deadline for submissions: 23 June 03*
article length: 1000-1500 words

for more info - David Teh -
article submissions to


* open peer-review will take place on fibreculture in about a month's time.
Review cells will be finalised shortly. If you'd like to take part as a
reader, please email David Teh ASAP.

Please note that draft submissions for open review will need to be received
by the end of May.

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2003 M/C Journal Issue Deadlines

'logo' editor: John Pace & Jason A. Wilson

          article deadline: 28 April 2003
          release date: 18 June 2003

'fibre' - a collaboration with :: fibreculture ::
          editor: fibreculture group

          article deadline: 23 June 2003
          release date: 13 August 2003

'joke' editors: Paul Denvir & E. Sean Rintel

          article deadline: 18 August 2003
          release date: 8 October 2003

'text' editor: Catriona Mills

          article deadline: 13 October 2003
          release date: 3 December 2003

M/C Journal is online at <>.
All issues of M/C Journal on various topics are available there.
M/C Reviews is now available at <>.


                                            Dr Axel Bruns

--Supervising Production Manager - Media and Culture =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Tue May 13 2003 - 12:21:01 EDT